Chapter 20

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"What do you mean you have given it to Viola?"

"Like I said, Sir." Tom repeated his meeting with Viola this morning to Leon. "I met madam on my way back here. So I gave her the flowers you ordered as you instructed."

"She was here?" Leon asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Umm... around the neighborhood, yes, Sir." Tom was hesitant. Should he tell Leon about his wife working just across his office?

Leon gave out a cynical laugh. "Did she come here hoping for a chance to meet her boyfriend again?"

"No! No, Sir! Please don't misunderstand!" Tom was horrified by how Leon had taken in the news he subconsciously raised his voice.

Leon was surprised by the unexpected behavior from his usually soft-spoken subordinate.

"I... I apologize, Sir." Tom quickly looked down.

"Looks like you know more about my wife than I do." Leon's tone changed. He was tapping his fingers on the table, starting to feel impatient. "You'd better tell me now, or else..."

Tom was terrified of his boss. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Actually..."


"Viola! Can you help me with the flowers outside? I'm quite busy here." Rana, the florist lady, shouted from behind the cash register. She was taking some notes from customers.

Viola who was checking the stocks, looked at the time and nodded. It's near closing time. She got up and walked to the front. Her hands worked quickly. She began clearing the shop stand and other decorative labels before moving on with the metal pots. A few minutes passed and she was almost done. As she was lifting up the last pot, a shadow suddenly fell on her.

Thinking it was a customer standing behind her, Viola turned her head with a smile on her face. "Sorry. We are clos..."

Viola was so shocked she dropped the pot. Leon caught it in time.

"Le... Leon?"

"Are you done with your work?" Leon asked while handing the potted plant back to Viola.

"Oh... I... I'm... cleaning up." Viola spoke softly, her arms hugging the metal pot.

"I'll wait for you in the car. Let's go home together."

"Huh?" Viola wanted to refuse but Leon had walked away.

"Violaaaa! Are you done?" Rana called her again from inside.

"Y... Yes! Coming!" Viola hurriedly ran back into the shop.

At 5.30 in the evening, Viola was ready to leave.

"Is this yours?" Rana asked, pointing at the flowers Viola received from Tom this afternoon. The arrangement seemed familiar to her.

"Umm... yes." Viola answered nervously and took the bouquet with her. "Thank you very much for today, Rana."

"Good work today. See you tomorrow, Viola." Rana smiled and waved at her. Viola nodded.

As she stepped out, Tom was waiting for her in front of the shop, smiling apologetically.

"Madam, please." Tom led her to the car.

When Viola got in, Leon was already sitting inside, his face facing the window.

"Thank... you for waiting." Viola said as she sat herself in the car. Leon did not answer as if not acknowledging her presence. Viola felt extremely awkward and held the flowers tightly in her hands.

The journey to Oliver's mansion was a quiet one. No one made a sound, except Tom with his occasional cough due to anxiety. Viola would glance at Leon from time to time but Leon's eyes never left the window. Is he still angry? Viola leaned her head against the window. The sky was getting darker and she could see the pale full moon slowly coming out of its hiding place. She sighed and secretly wished they could arrive faster.

When they reached home, the younger twin maid opened the door and beamed at the flowers on Viola's hand.

"Beautiful flowers, Madam! Are they from young master?"

Leon, who was walking in front of Viola, glanced back at Viola.

Viola laughed uncomfortably. "Haha... no, Maria. Tom gave them to me."

"Tom?" Maria repeated in surprise, turning her eyes to Tom who stood just behind Viola.

"No! It's not from me, Madam! It's..." Tom quickly denied but his sentence was cut by Leon.

"You can leave now, Tom." Leon ordered, looking at his assistant with threatening eyes. Tom wanted to explain but Leon did not want to hear it. "We will talk tomorrow." Leon said coldly and walked into the house. Tom left in low spirits.

Viola went back to her room and took a bath. She was feeling better now because she had found a job, a job she loved because she could spend the day surrounded by flowers and plants. Rana was great to work with and Leon too, did not seem to mind her working, or at least that was what she thought.

Viola shivered as she came out of the bathroom. Bellfield's winter was harsh. Viola suddenly missed the warm sun in Mir. She was busy finding warmer clothes to wear when her eyes caught the flowers she brought home today on the table.

Before she could find a place for the flowers, a knock came on her door. "Madam, dinner is ready." It was Aria.

Viola opened the door. "Thank you, Aria. Oh, and can you find me something to keep them?" Viola handed the bouquet to Aria.

"Yes, Madam. Leave them to me." Aria took the flowers from her.

"Tell Nadia I'll be in the kitchen in a minute." Viola added.

"No, not in the kitchen today, Madam." Aria said.

"What do you mean?" Viola asked.

"Young master asked your dinner to be served together with his in your room, upstairs." Aria pointed her finger above. She could not help smiling.

"What... why?"

Aria shrugged her shoulders. "I... don't know."

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