Chapter 1- It's Not a Crush It's an Odd Appreciation

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I peak around the corner of the door to see him. There he is the god of normalcy, normally I start with the same intro as always, but wow, he certainly is amazing.

My name is Kusuo Saiki. I'm a high school student who was born with psychic powers. I hate my powers because they make it impossible to lead a normal life. But Satou, he had the perfect life. Average name, average height, average grades, average personality, average interests, average schedule. I have to admit I have been observing him for a while, for learning purposes of course. He's just so perfect, and he'll never realize. It's all my fault, but I'd go any limit to make sure he can lead an ordinary, perfect life. I'll make sure he gets average grades, goes to an average college, has an average job, and has an average wife. Oh, I don't quite like the sound of that last bit. Either way his kids are going to be totally average.

"Hey Saiki!" I heard an annoying voice call out behind me. Good grief, here comes the pervert thorn in my side Toritsuka. Following him was the ever irritating Aiura. They have psychic powers too, and the power to be a massive pain in the rear.

"What do you want?" I said telepathically. I only talk to them and my family through telepathy. Everyone else I use sign language. I find it troublesome to speak aloud, people just want to talk more, but when they think you can't talk, they only make you listen, and if you're lucky you can block the awful sounds, "Can't you see I'm the middle of something?"

"Hmm? What?" Toritsuka looked around stupidly, "Well then what are you doing?" I rolled my eyes. I'd turn him to stone if it weren't for the fact people would notice he's missing.

"Ouuu," Aiura dragged out. What a pain, "I bet he's checking in on his Mr. Right!" She pointed across the room at the average god himself who was sitting at his desk chatting with friends. I felt my cheeks warm up, but now was not the time for stupid and false allegations.

"No I-" suddenly the purple haired idiot realized what we were talking about.

"Oh Saiki you're oogling at that Hiroshi kid huh?" Ugh, I hate him, "This isn't the first time you've avoided us to stare at him." I wish I could avoid you, "I guess this makes you a stalker huh? Wow to go after a boring kid like that? You really picked the bottom of the barrel-" Okay I had enough of him. I grabbed him by the shirt and glared daggers at him.

"First off," I began, "Satou is the living definition of perfect. You wouldn't understand because you are simply far below him and his perfect normalcy. Second, call me a stalker again and I turn you to stone. Third," I turned to Aiura still holding the medium by the shirt, "Don't you dare assume that I have a crush on Satou. It's just an admiration for his perfection and normalcy."

"Ahhh yes sir," the purple haired medium screamed out. Finally he got the hint. I let him go, but shot him a dirty look.

"Hm hm," Aiura just giggled, "That sounds like a crush to me Mr. Kusuo. You're in denial."

"I am not in denial," I groaned. These two idiots were proving it's possible to groan inside your own head, "How is it any different from the way you two follow me around all day, calling me master and trying to post about my secret on your socials."

"You would totally go viral by the way," Aiura pouted, "Anyways that's different. I don't follow you around because I worship the ground you walk on, that's a you problem with Hiroshi. I follow you around because we're friends and it's so hard to find someone like me. He honestly creeps me out," she pointed to Toritsuka who was already staring at some innocent girl trying to live her life. "Admit it Saiki! You have a crush on Satou-san!"

I was getting pretty irritated listen to her try to explain, "Look I-" I stopped when I heard the sound of two laughs, a feminine laugh and a masculine laugh. I recognized them. I quickly turned back to Aiura, "Yumehara and Satou are talking to each other!"

Aiura looked panicked, I was freaking out a bit too. Aiura has a huge crush on Yumehara and I didn't want anyone who is associated with me (against my own will of course) associated with the absolute god that is Satou and tainting him with their weirdness. In the midst of our panic we noticed  Toritsuka sitting around and staring at poor girls. We looked at each other and got the same stupid idea.

"Hey! Toritsuka!" Aiura said rather loud snapping him out of his pervy trance, "Go in there and talk to Yumehara and ask for her number." Toritsuka didn't know why he was being told to be the creep he is, but of course he went along with it.

I stared intently holding my breath in fear he'd make things worse and taint the king of ordinary.

"Hey Chiyo!" Toritsuka said smiling wide, "what's up?"

"Uhh, thank you for the notes Satou, bye!" Yumehara hurriedly ran away from the purple haired medium creep. Toritsuka went to sulk in the corner. Yumehara came speedwalking to the hallway. Aiura waved her over.

"You know you could have just asked to borrow my notes," she said, Yumehara looked a bit pale.

"Eh? You were listening?" She said a bit embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed pink. Aiura turned red, but soon nodded slowly, "Well I just feel like I bother you so much that I wanted to let you use your own notes for once."

"Chiyopipi," Aiura said, placing a hand on Yumehara's shoulder, "You could never bother me." Okay that's enough I'm tired of listening to them. I turned back to the perfect Satou who was now talking to some friends. I decided to listen in on them.

"Dude," one of his friends said, "Why didn't you ask for her number, she was hot."

"Yeah bro," another friend said, "You totally would have had a chance with her."

"Ha ha very funny guys," Satou said sarcastically, "But she's not my type. She's, ya know, a girl. And I'm, you know, a friend of Dorthy."

Both of the friends looked confused, but I instantly knee why he was saying. Satou noticed his friends didn't really seem to grasp the concept.

"Guys," Satou rolled his eyes, "Do I really need to be this direct? I'm gay! Homosexual! Attracted to men." His friends just hummed and all basically said, "cool" I was somehow simultaneously heartbroken and yet giddy. On one hand, Sato was no longer a perfect god of normalcy. On the other, this meant Sato would never marry a woman, why that was so exciting I don't know.

Then a loud ring was heard through the building. It meant that school was over for the day and we got to go home. I followed Satou to the shoe lockers, staying behind slightly so he wouldn't notice me.

I went about my usual routine, follow him home and teleport behind light posts when he starts to become aware of my existence and decides to turn around. Hey I'm not the creep you are.

And off he went to his house, he smiled and then walked inside. I continued walking all the way home. I had some reflection to do.

Finally home sweet home. I teleported straight to my bedroom and sat at my desk in a thinking position.

So, Satou is gay, which according to society is not normal. However, according to society I should be a girl because that's how I was born. Ugh, society. Anyways the only normal is apparently heterosexual. But, was it normal? I mean it's odd to immediately push that all people must be attracted to the opposite gender. It was odd that there was such thing as a normal sexuality in society. Why am I looking through the lens of society? Society makes me feel used for my powers, terrible for being a man and not the little girl I was born as, and has told me so many other lies. Why not look at it through a scientific lens.

In science, numerous species's were found to have cases of homosexuality, the animals would have gone extinct if it wasn't for homosexuality, and almost all dolphins are bisexual. And Lord knows about the adorable gay penguins.

Well I know one thing I wish I had known sooner. All sexualities are increadibly normal and at the end of the day Satou Hiroshi was still an absolute god of being normal.


And there's the first chapter. You couldn't do it, so I did. Enjoy this story cause I'm writing what I want to read and if the chapters are too short, oh well. I'm not writing for you.

I also don't really like writing fanfic so please be nice about it cause I don't like doing this and bringing me down will just make me want to stop.

*Edit, telekinesis->telepathy. It was driving me nuts too, I was just lazy.

An Ordinary Relationship (Satosai Saiki K x Satou Hiroshi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon