Chapter 12- What An Odd Number, But a Wonderful End

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and many years have gone by since Satou and I made that wonderful promise. I should catch you up on what you really want to hear before I tell you the end.

At this point in time me and Satou were in our twenties. We graduated highschool and decided we wouldn't go to college because he found great opportunities as a Baseball player and an accountant. I had no desire for a career, but my dad had started getting me into the world of manga editing.

We decided we wanted to go on a date because the evening had been so wonderful. We stopped at a stand to buy so coffee jelly (which wasn't as good as the cafe but was still delicious) Satou had decided he wanted to go to one last stop.

When we got there I recognized it instantly. It was the landing we made our promise on. With the town lights and the setting sun reflecting over the calm waters.

"Quite the cliche date spot," I laughed, "You certainly do know how to make this psychic's day better."

I looked over at Satou to see him looking at me giving me the same wonderful smile I fell in love with. Then he bent down onto one knee. I could feel the butterflies soar in my stomach.

"Saiki Kusuo,I believe you remember when we made that promise. Will you make me the happiest man in the world," He began, "And marry me."

He pulled out a ring with a diamond and silver ring. I was gasping for air and squealing I was so happy.

"Yes!" I shouted, not caring who could hear, "Yes Satou I will!"

I went to hug him, but he was the one to hug me. Probably because if I hadn't watched my strength I would break all his bones.

He placed the ring on my finger and we knew our promise was bound by more than a pinky.

Now me and Satou live in a house not too far from our hometown. I am a manga editor at a rather large publisher. Satou is a baseball player known all across the nation. And every baseball game is just as cliche as the ones in highschool.

We have two kids that are biologically both of ours. (What I can shapeshift can't I?) An eight year old boy named Ren Saiki-Hiroshi and a five year old girl named Yuna Saiki-Hiroshi. Teachers typically refer to them by the last name they find easier to remember which is usually Hiroshi but I don't mind.

We have a dog and a cat which our children lovingly named Koinu and Koneko. (a/n for non-japanese understanders that translates to Puppy and Kitten or Kitty)

I also still keep in touch with all of my highschool friends. Even though I would still never admit to their faces how important they all are to me.

Nendou and Hairo are now engaged and co-own a gym and have dedicated their time to becoming personal trainers, but Nendou still has a passion for Raman and will occasionally set up a Raman stand outside the gym.

Kaido and Kuboyasu are happily married and ride the country on their motercycle staying at hotels and the occasional friend's house living their best life. Kaido is a writer and has turned his eighth grader syndrome into an imagination great enough to publish a manga at my studio.

Teruhashi and Rifuta decided to not get married, but still love each other very much. They moved to France to persue careers in modeling and fashion, both of them being world famous models.

Toritsuka believe it or not is engaged. He has become less of a perv over time and now uses his powers to help people in mourning seek comfort from their lost ones.

Yumehara and Mikoto are married and have a young eight year old daughter named Aoi who occasionally comes to play with Ren

My mom and dad are wonderful grandparents who visit often and love their grandkids and us with all their hearts.

Our life has been nothing less of ordinary. We wake up at the same time, I go to work at the manga publisher, Satou will take the kids to school and he'd go to work and then I pick the kids up on my way home and he comes home to a wonderful family dinner.

There may be rough patches and fight one thing is for sure, me and Satou will always keep our promise.

The End

An Ordinary Relationship (Satosai Saiki K x Satou Hiroshi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant