How Did You Become Friends?

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Jean Grey:

You both started to see each other around school more often. As your reputation grew among the students and staff, you found yourself at the center of most gossip.

You had actually caught some of your female students talking about rather or not you were dating someone. They were embarrassed, but you just laughed it off and stated that you were single. However, though you never meant for it to, the news spread like wildfire.

You would often eat your lunch in your classroom do you could write up your next lesson plans. Sometimes your students would come in and ask you for help with their homework or just to chat.

You never turned a kid away. And Jean took notice of this.

She had found herself seeing you around the school more often. You also noticed that she would leave with the other X-Men on their missions sometimes.

However, the two of you didn't talk again until she found you and the Professor having a disagreement. One that you were so very obviously heated over.

Luckily, she managed to pull you away and get you to calm down. You both eneded up back in your classroom where you talked about the school and the students.

Ever since, the two of you would have lunch together. A strange sense of comfort in an otherwise strange school.

You continued to go to work and investigate the various crimes. And every night, you would pick something up at the store. Every week, you attended the support group. And every night, nightmares plagued your head.

And every once and a while, you would run into Betsy. You would both chat about random topics ranging from the weather to the news. But it was always pleasant for the both of you.

You because it was nice to talk to someone outside of work, and her because it was nice to talk to someone normal.

One day, you both found yourselves at a stand still over a the last bag of peas. And so, Betsy came up with an idea. You both ended up back at her apartment where she made dinner. She even offered you a glass of wine, which you declined.

After that, once a week, normally the day after the support group, you and Betsy would have dinner at her place. You would drink water while she drank wine. You would talk about her adventures in the X-Men and you would tell her about some of the cases you worked on.

It felt good to talk to someone.
Invisible Woman:

Being the newest hero on the block, you often found yourself working alongside the Fantastic Four more often. You also worked with the Avengers here and there when they needed it.

And being the neighbor of the Fantastic Four was no easy deed. It seemed like it was everyday that something was going on. And you were always there to help.

Ben invited you over for poker, Johnny would drag you to the clubs, Reed would get your help on projects he was working on, and the kids just liked having you around.

But Sue enjoyed having someone to talk to. The divorce was harder than you had originally thought. So she would often come over and talk to you about things she regretted or wish had gone differently.

And, somewhere along the way, she ended up getting you to open up about your troubles with your sister. The same one you haven't seen in almost two years now.

Slowly, you both found yourselves looking forward to your chats. Rather it be at your place, during a walk, or just over coffee.
Black Widow:

Natasha started to stop by more often, often when it was empty, and always left a nice tip for you. You didn't learn her last name for a few more weeks, but you eventually did.

And you made the obvious connection that she was the Black Widow of the Avengers. Something that frustrated you beyond reason when you pieced it together.

Natasha would always stop by before a mission, or after a job. Always ordering the same thing. A black coffee.

Sometimes she would stay and talk to you. Never about anything crazy. Always something light. Always something that made you smile. It became such a thing that you started to talk about your interactions during your therapy sessions.

Then, one day, she joined you for your lunch break. You told her about your schooling while she offered some insight on how things worked in the world of spies.

James Bond was so wrong.

But you always enjoyed your chats. No matter how vague she could be.
Scarlet Witch:

She was surprised when she got a ticket to a show in the mail. Even more surpised when she found out it was from you. But the biggest surpise was that she actually enjoyed the music.

You invited her backstage which she accepted. She met the band and even had a drink with you. After that, you both found yourselves crossing paths during your mystical endeavors.

You often joked about how you should stop meeting under these circumstances, but she never did laugh. She knew fate and destiny better than that.

She knew this was happening for a reason. Granted, she didn't know exactly why.

But she did notice that you had been down. She had learned that you had broken up with your girlfriend, which you never spoke of. For good reason, too.

The three of you ended up in Romania at the same time, which was beyond weird. But you did manage to get the job done in a clean and fluent manner.

You both celebrated by going to a pub where you finally managed to get her to laugh.

Granted, you had to fall off your stool and hit the counter to get her to do so.

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