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Gwen Stacy

Who Are You?:
Your friendly neighborhood photographer. You fell in love with taking photos at a young age. This Hobbie followed you to adulthood where you manages to snag a job with the Daily Bugle.

But your biggest goal is to get a picture of Spider-Woman unmasked for vengeance for what she did to your best friend.

How Did You Meet?:
You were the new kid in the neighborhood.

You had moved to New York with your mom after your father had up and dissapered. Your mom would go on to tell you that he had actually left to be with his mistress once you were old enough to understand.

But by moving, you ended up next door to one George Stacy. An NYPD officer who had a daughter who was your age. Gwen Stacy.

The two of you die get along at first since you always thought she was a know it all tomboy while she thought that you were too strict and boring. The only reason either of you hung out was due to Peter Parker. The boy who lived next to Gwen.

How Did You Become Friends?:
It wasn't easy.

The two of you would always bicker, but in the end you both ended up finding something you both had a love for. Music.

You would both trade bands and talk about new albums. Though your true love was in photography, finding new bands was always a treat. And so, you both grew out of your pettiness and actually became friends. Which was nice.

Who Fell In Love First?:

It was weird, but she found herself sneaking over to your place to talk late at night. And the two of you would always talk in the morning and afternoon through your windows, that were directly across from each other.

But she found herself falling for you the more time the two of you spent together. Rather it be you watching the Mary Jane's practice or her watching you take photos, she enjoyed being around you.

Though, she was beyond embarrassed when she began to change without closing her curtains. The only way she found out was when she heard you close your window.

Who Asked Who?:
She asked you.

In the most awkward way possible.

It was after a Mary Janes practice when the two of you were walking home together. Normally Peter would be there, but he was busy with something else. But the two of you were talking about a concert coming to town and that's when she made her move.

She asked if you would want to go with her, which you said yes to, but she wanted to make sure it was a date. So she kept rambling. And she rambled. And she kept going.

Finally, you asked if this was meant to be a date. She said yes.

So it was.

First Date:
It was the concert.

Some punk band that was local. They had gone on tour and were now back. So that meant Gwen went full punk, and so did you. It was fun on the way to the concert, and even more fun once it started.

Gwen avoided the Mosh Pit, but you jumped right in. However, the two of you needed to leave early since Gwen wasn't feeling so good. She hasn't since that field trip to the lab.

Regardless, you both had a blast and even arranged a second date to make up for cutting this one short.

First Fight:
It was about Prom.

Gwen was gonna preform with the Mary Janes and that left you without a date. So you decided not to go. But that would mean that you wouldn't see the band. And Gwen was opposed to the idea.

It started off with bickering, then it turned into an argument, then it became the two of you yelling at each other. You saw no point in flying solo to prom, or prom in general, and she was hurt that you wouldn't be there to support her.

In the end, you stood by your point and decided not to go. Gwen left in a huff, and the two of you didn't make up until Spider-Woman killed Peter.

And you made it your quest to ruin Spider-Woman.

First Time:
It was a bittersweet moment.

You were both reeling from Peter's death when she came over. The two of you talked in your room while your mom went out for an appointment. She cried, you cried, you both apologized for fighting over something stupid.

Then you kissed. Then she slipped her hand under your shirt. The next thing you knew, your clothes were littering the floor and the two of you were in bed, naked. You looked at her for a moment before you made the first move.

She ended up staying the night.

What's It Like?:

Slow, sometimes.

Rough, most of the time.

She loves feeling your fingers on her skin.

You can't get enough of her lips on yours.

She's always down to try new things.

Music is always playing.

Who Said It First?:
You did.

It was the morning after your first time when you told her. Life was too short, after all. And she was just gorgeous in the morning light.

She said it back to you and the two of you shared a kiss.

Both of you had phones.

Sometimes she would tease you with a text telling you to look at her window. It would usually be after she had just gotten out of the shower. You would often return the favor.

Plus you always had your camera. You were both surpised and turned on when she suggested you use her as a model for sessions.

Though, phone calls with her were always weird after you had started your new job as a photographer. It was like she was running or something. But, in the city. Sometimes you would even heard a police siren.

Would She Cheat?

She hated the idea. Just the thought made her sick. She was also easily jealous, more on that later, but she had great confidence that you wouldn't either.

And you wouldn't. Not after what your father did to your mom.

Meeting The Family:
You had known George for years already.

But the first dinner you went to after you and Gwen started dating was....tense. Normally you and George would joke about something on TV or talk about his job. This time it was just, quiet.

It wasn't until after dinner was done that he pulled you aside to talk to you. He told you that he thought you were a good kid and that he approved of your relationship, but he did make the standard father threat.

Only he had the gun with him to prove his point.

Besides that, he's been very supportive. Even giving you scoops for your job.

Turning Point:
You couldn't believe what you had seen.

It was after you had come home later than usual. You had a job over in the East Village that ended with no pictures and a slap to the face from an angry woman. You walked into your room and tossed your stuff onto your bed before you pulled your phone out to see if Gwen was still up.

But you had stopped when you spotted something on Gwen's roof. Or, rather, someone. Spider-Woman.

And she took off her mask to reveal that she was Gwen Stacy.

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