More cats!

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The four running cats froze in their tracks to turn to the door to see a tall pearly white haired woman who stood strong clearly angry. Taking a few steps into the house the woman glared down at the cats.

Toast dashed towards her hiding behind her legs trying to act all innocent and scared (which actually worked).

"Who made all this mess!" Reina angrily snarled at the cats.
She looked towards the cats and pointed towards Duck
"It wasn't you"
Then she pointed towards Toast ,whom she noticed was now wearing a hat.
"And it wasn't you"

She then looked around pointed towards the unfamiliar cats individually then giving off a murderus aura
"YOU, IT WAS YOU" glaring down at the cats.

Reina's POV

I gave off a loud sigh looking down defeated, I closed and locked the front door trying to diffuse as much anger as possible ,which was working to a certain extent.

I turned to look at all the cats Toast was stuck against my leg not wanting to leave whilst Duck was doing his usual (sleeping).
I looked at the four new cat faces.
Then I remembered that the cats previously seemed to understand what I have been saying.
"Baby's do you know these four" Duck doesn't bother moving whilst Toast nodded. 'Mmm smart kitty'.

The new four look up at me curiously.

"You lot must be hungry" I am still pretty angry and fed up but I just don't know what to do, my house is a mess and I've got more cats. I need sleep but I have to sort this out first.

I go into the kitchen grabbing one large plate putting a few tins of tuna on to form a giant pile.
I then walked back into the living room with the plate to see Duck still sleeping, Toast is sat next to the red and lilac cats the dark purple is sat on the couch clearly distanced to Duck and a snowy white cat was sat by the window.

"Dinner time little ones" I placed the plate full of tuna on the floor. Toast instantly dashed towards the plate for his share of food ,before the others could get to it, however the others looked at me expectantly.

I crouch down to the plate and pick up Duck and the midnight purple one from the couch and placed them in front of the food.
"Toast that food isn't just for you" I pouted. The white one who had been on the window ledge was now walking up to me, then pushed Toast out of the way and started to eat. 'Poor baby mustn't have eaten in ages'
Before I knew it Toast the lilac and the red were fighting for the food, Duck opened one eye and walked over to me sitting in my lap going back to his cat-nap and the dark purple looked like he was fed up and just sat on the floor after walking up to the plate.
"Maybe I should have just got you all individual bowls?" I question to myself whilst separating the fighting cats. Then I made sure that there was enough for the two cats who hadn't eaten yet.

"I guess I need names for all you new cats hu?" 'So glad I didn't get Toast's collar today'

I start by picking up the closet to me ,which just so happened to be the dark purple one.
As I pull him up to my face he starts to do a cat like glare into my eyes. The cat had two wine red eyes that were framed by glasses 'I've never seen a cat wear glasses' the cats fur on his face is all different lengths and his fur was a deep purple almost black colour making his eyes stand out even more.

"Echo" the cat lifted it's furry eyebrow in confusion then Duck started meowing. Echo then looked me directly in the eyes and nodded.
'Another cat that seems to understand English, how strange'

I placed the cat back down and went to hold the lilac one but the red cat ran in front of the other walking into my arms like he owned the place. I ended up picking the red up and started observing him (yes I checked all their genders, all boys).
He had bold red fur which I've never seen on a cat before, then again the other cats also have oddly coloured fur. This cats fur seemed to look all spiky in all directions and by the cats facial expressions he seems to be very arrogant. The cat also had two bright yellow-ee /green eyes that contrast with his fur, his eyes are a shade lighter than Toasts, whose are a shade darker and look more like emeralds.

As I pull him closer to my face he closes his eyes and does a cat-like grin.

"Cayenne" like the spice, it seemed to fit him especially from his attitude and actions earlier. Cayenne seems pleased with his name and then I placed him down reaching for the lilac one again.

But he keeps moving backwards and he seems to be holding something in his mouth. As I manage to grab him he does everything in his power to try and struggle his way out of my arms. I then think of ways to calm him down, bringing him into my chest I start stoking his fur and shushing him which luckily for me seemed  to work 'phew'.

Holding him back out in my face he seems to want to go straight back to cuddling me,
"Hey sweetie it's alright I'll cuddle with you again after I've named you  all, ok?" The small cat seemed to calm down as I start to get a good look at him. 'He's so pretty' as I try to reach for the object in his mouth he starts to have a fit and started struggling again.
"Hey it's ok little one"I reassured "I only want to be able to properly see your adorable face" he stopped struggling and I went to reach for the object again, luckily he allowed me to grab it and I come to find that it's a cute pinky sized bear that had a pink waist-coat and an eyepatch over one of it's eyes.
"Your Teddy is very handsome" I told the cat as it's eyes never left the bear. As I am holding both the bear and the cat in my arms
I notice that not only is his fur lilac but his eyes too. 'How strange and unusual I've never seen a cat like this'
"Angel" I spoke. The cat tilted his head 'cute' then went back too looking at his bear. I placed the cat down then went to place the bear in Angels mouth which he gladly and eagerly accepted.

I then turned to the last cat whom had walked back off the the window distancing himself from the others. I decided to also sit on the window ledge and started petting him.
He did not like that.

He instantly stared hissing and started swiping his claws towards me.
I had to pick him up to try and diffuse him which wasn't working.
I started glaring at him trying to be intimidating, it did get him to stop fidgeting but he only glared back at me ,and boi this was a scary cat not to be messed with 'Jesus I'm scared of a cat'.
I was quick to stop staring at the cat and to take in his appearance that's when I noticed how soft and fluffy his fur was it was slightly long but extremely white ,every so that I could blind myself. His two red eyes still holding anger yet one was slightly covered with his fur.

"Domino" I named him and was quick to place him on the ground scared of that glare.

"Now that I have named you all, I'm Reina and you will be living here for now"

"Now that I have named you all, I'm Reina and you will be living here for now"

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13 July 2021
1354 words 

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now