Work and strange box??

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Reina's POV

I woke up in my bed.
i thought I was watching tv with my cats.

Dread filled me as I remember a man. Panicked I ran downstairs ,passing the cats who were all in my room, I ran around the whole house looking for any evidence of that strange man being here. Nothing. There was no signs that anyone had been in my house all my doors and windows are locked and nothing taken or moved.

Utterly dumbfounded I stroll back to my room checking the time.


"IM LATE!" I yell at the top of my lungs scrambling round getting my work uniform on with the accessories, collecting my bag I place two bowls of tuna on the floor in case the cats want a snack.But when I was going to leave Angel seemed to have a completely different idea and ran up to me and pounced into my arms digging his claws into my uniform not wanting to let me go at any cost.
As I'm trying everything to get him off the other cats keep meowing towards us but Angel starts meowing and hissing back.

I'm getting later by the second and Angel isn't budging.
'I mean I do work at a cafe that makes me dress as a cat. Would the boss really mind?'
'Gosh I hope not'

Finally putting an end to my decision I walked over to Duck removed his collar and placed it on Angel
"Sorry Duck but I have to borrow this for today as it has my contact number on if someone goes walkabout.
That does remind me I do need to get you all collars"

All of the cats are looking at me strangely even Duck (who is quite angry at his collar being given to his younger brother)

I grab my bag and put Angel in a more comfortable position with his bear in his mouth and then left the house.

Whilst I'm walking threw the streets with Angel in my arms he perks up looking around.He instantly starts wriggling around and leaps from my arms, I look over to see him strolling towards a pet shop window that was showcasing collars.
'I'm late already I might as well get him a collar whilst I'm here, and as I've found out he is very demanding especially for a cat'

I pick Angel up then walk to the collar section and started picking up collars and moving them towards Angels face seeing if he will accept any that he likes.
He was being very picky until he saw one collar.

'I mean it will blend in with his fur but he seems to really like it'

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'I mean it will blend in with his fur but he seems to really like it'

"You want this baby"
Angel happily nodded then I saw this collar

Mmmm Toast might like this one, might as well pick it up whilst I'm here

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Mmmm Toast might like this one, might as well pick it up whilst I'm here.
Non of the other collars stood out enough for me to get them so I payed and left with Angel and two new collars.

When I finally get to work I'm surprisingly only 15 minutes late so I could make an easy excuse and then apologise. When I walk in the boss is waiting there.

"Your late" he told me with a straight face looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry sir there was an issue with my cat (shows him Angel) and I wasn't able to leave him at home" my boss Marshal's eyes softened at the sight of the tiny cat in my arms.
He walked up to us then proceeded to pet Angel surprisingly Angel didn't react 'luckily for me'.

"Don't be late next time and the cat can stay" he smiled warmly at me and Angel

"Thank you sir"

I place Angel in the employee room since it's only me and Marshal working today as it's the slowest day of the week.

Whilst I'm working a rather tall male walked in.
Normally I wouldn't take notice in people but this man was different,
Two golden eyes framed by glasses were shining like gems, light blond hair cascaded in waves down to his shoulders and he seemed to be wearing a medical jacket 'it's probably his lunch hour'
He walks straight up to the counter.

"Hello sir how can I help you today" I ask

"Yes I'd like one coffee two sugars and a blueberry muffin" he answered. Whilst I was getting his order ready I got a text from one of my friends.

"Oh are those your cats on the screen" he asked looking rather interested and amused.
'Dude why you looking at my phone???'

"Ehh yes they are" I showed him my phone screen pointing each one out and stating there names.

"The blonde one is Duck, I've had him the longest but he is a right lazy bitch
Then I found Toast or well he found me"I said pointing to the auburn cat.
"Then yesterday I came home to find the other four,
Cayenne,Domino,Echo and Angel who had all decided to trash my house and chase poor Toast around"

"They are all very 'cute'" he said giving off a mischievous grin
"So you found them all, have you found anything strange about them? Due to the fact that they made have been alone on the streets for a while" He continued trying to justify his question.

'Ok this guy is being quite creepy now'

I reply so I'm not being rude,
"They do seem to understand what I am saying sometimes and if I ask them to go somewhere they tend to do it, it's rather strange but is quite helpful"

"Ah well good luck to you and thank you, have a nice day"
He turned and left after getting his order.

The rest of the day went quite slowly so I got to bring Angel out to the main front and proceeded to play and pet him.
As the day was coming to an end it started to rain.

When the clock finally rang for 7 o'clock I was out of there holding Angel in my coat zipped up so only his head was popping out as the rain pored on us (mainly me) to avoid the rain as much as possible Angel had shoved his face as close as he could into my chest to keep warm and dry.

As I'm walking I trip but manage to save myself.

"Who the hell leaves a box in the middle of the street?" I stated quite angrily as I could have hurt Angel.

I turn to leave but strange noises start coming from the box, i turn back and walk towards the box.

But I was totally unaware of the gold eyes piercing into my skull with an amused smirk placed on their face.

24 July 2021
1167 words

Also I have another fanfic being Subaru's best friend
It's an diabolik lovers x reader please check it out :)
It's called ' A Tsunbaru's best friend '

And thank you for over 1k reads

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