Meanwhile with the cats:A strange feeling

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-meanwhile with the cats-

"What did he mean by others have also sought her out?" Questioned Ruki. "Have you seen anyone or heard her talk about anyone?" He continued.

"No nothing of the sort since I've been here. Shu you've been here longest. anything?" Reiji answered turning to his elder.

"No, no mentions of anyone" Shu stated.

"But would she mention anything? She didn't mention seeing him and he doesn't exactly look normal. From when we've been here she tends to talk to herself often but no mention of him" Carla said logically.

"Maybe she didn't think anything of him" Laito said giving a reasonable answer.

"Even though we know him he still has that aura that anyone can sense and be threatened or at least intrigued. And if so she would have mentioned" Ayato contributed.

"Yes you do have a point, but who could these people be? Could we even know them" Reiji says quizicly.

"Well even if she is a poor excuse for a human, she has looked after us" Shin said showing concern for once.

"Your the only one who has tried to attack her"Yuma states,

"Yeah, if anyone here your the biggest threat"Kou finished to only have Shin glare at him.

"Enough arguing"Ruki demands, even though non of the cats want to listen or normally pay any attention to him, they all knew they had to come up with something from what karlhinez said.

"Well that's beside the point especially for you as she belongs to us" Laito stated proudly.

"Yeah right"Yuma snarks.

"Yeah we will kill anyone who tries to get to her"Kou spoke.

"I..will.....protect..her" Azusa states.

"Yeah that's right Azusa-kun"Kou replies.

"Yeah right ore-sama is all she needs especially not some filthy half-breeds"Ayato claimed loudly.

By this time Reina has re enters the room holding snacks.

"We can't let anyone take her"Shu states seriously just before jumping up onto Reina's lap who was putting on a movie.
"Aww hiya Duck you ok"

"I'm fine" but of course it came out as meows.

"For once he's right we must protect her"Yuma agreed before hoping up to the woman sat straight into her side.

"Well at least we have some sort of entertainment" Ayato mentioned.

"Can you not think of anything else"Subaru seeths finally contributing into the conversation.

"Well we might be here for a while, might as well stake our claim" Laito agreed with his triplet. "Why Subaru you don't feel the same?" He taunted towards his younger brother.

"Are you saying you don't" Subaru clapped back actually admitting his infatuation with this young woman.

"Hmm quite right you are, we don't want her hurt do we?" Laito finished not pervertedly but holding a sense of control over her.

As each cat was hopping up onto the couch a slight tingly feeling washed over them thinking nothing of it they continue to watch the movie.
Just as the movie was coming to an end our sweet Reina had fallen asleep cuddled up to the corner of the sofa Shu still in her clutch.

Each cat started staring at her strange possessive inner emotions brewing.

WHERES TEDDY?" Kanato yelled out after noticing his absence.

After jumping onto the back of the couch being able to get a good view Kanato froze.

"Teddy what happened to you?"
The tingling feeling came back and the cats all looked towards where Kanato was looking only to find Teddy at his normal size.

"Teddy you've grown"

The tingling came back with a bigger impact.
The vampire cats now all ended up jumping to the floor to be stable.

"Ruki-kun what's happening"was the last thing the cats heard before a blinding light came upon them.

"Ruki-kun what's happening"was the last thing the cats heard before a blinding light came upon them

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2 August 2021
662 words

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now