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It was the day we were living under the bridge; me and Jessica. This man comes up to me and offers me food and a place to stay. I didn't completely trust him, but something told me to. We arrived to his flat where he spoiled me like a rich girl. It was like he was someone I missed my whole entire life. Every single day we were together, I fell for him. I fell for him hard.

That was all ruined when he told me he had a fiance. I was devastated. A few weeks later I was still living at his house when he barged into my room and kissed me passionately. I was so shocked to even question it. So I just kissed him. I felt fireworks; completely head over heels for him. I didn't want it to end, but it had to. I pushed him away and looked into his eyes.

"Why did you just kiss me? You have a fiance!" I ask.

I will never forget the words he told me that day. The words that made me fall for him harder if that is even possible. He said,

"Because I didn't realize what I was losing until I saw the girl I love hurt herself. Every day I watched you, and when I told you I had a fiance, I saw your heart drop and that hurt me. You are to beautiful and to fragile to let go. I can honestly say that I have fallen for you every day that you have been here.

* End of Flashback*

I wake up and cry to myself. I swore to myself that I would always protect him the way he protected me. I failed at that. I am so sorry Caleb. I am not even bothered with the pain that came when they pulled my fingernails off. I mean don't get me wrong, it hurt like a bitch, but the only thing I care about is Caleb.

I was startled when the door opened and Tape walked in.

"Master said to bring you food."

He took the food and placed it on the floor. It looked like ass. How was i ecen going to eat this. You know what I should just stop complaining. This is the only thing they have. So I need to just suck it up.

Tape looks at me like there is something else. He looks.....suspicious. I say that because his eyes wander to the bowl that has the food in it.

He walks out of the room leaving me curious. I pick the bowl up and see a note.

There is food in the dresser in the third draw. You will hear a bell ringing. And that will be able to tell you when you can get it. We need you to stay alive.


Thank you Tape. You are the best ever. But how long will this take. For all I know, this could be just some trick.

I hear the intercom turn on and the man speaks.

"Hello Kacie. When I speak I think I speak for all of us. Yesterday was quite a show, wasn't it. It was such a shame that the poor boy Caleb died. He was so damn important to you and now look at what happened....he's dead."

"What do you want!!!!!!" I shout.

"I was not done speaking. Now like I was saying, your challenge today does not involve tools. You see....tools on make people speak when the torturer wants them to. Today will be solely based on memory, or as what we call it....flashbacks. It comes to my understanding that when you have a flashback, it triggers something in you. I am determined to dig into your memory and see what you remember. So lets begin."

I honestly don't want to do this. Why are they making me go through something so vile.

"Now this is when you were a kid. You just graduated and went out with your friends. Where exactly did you go?"

I remember this. It was the worst day of my life. I was walking with my friends to the movies. We entered and halfway through the movie, I told them I had to go to the bathroom. I walked out and went to the bathroom. I felt like someone was following me.

I was young and reckless at the time and didn't think about the possibilities of someone stalking me. I walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I heard the door open and saw black boots. I knew that something was going to happen. I heard the door lock and I tried to stay as quiet as possible knowing the dangers I could face if I made a sound. I picked my feet up and held my hand to my mouth.

I kept thinking, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt. My please were worthless. I wasted my breath on something so stupid. I saw a knife go through the slit of the bathroom stall and unlocked the door. I was dead.

The man grabbed me and I screamed for dear life. He was wearing a mask so I couldn't see what he looked like. No one heard me. The man punched me in the face and I instantly stopped thrashing around in his grip. He pulled my dress up and my panties down. That was when I lost my virginity. I was raped and I hated every single second of it.

When he has done, he left me there to rot. It was like how I am right now. I could see the puddle of blood flow around my body. I felt disgusted; why would he do that to me.

A few minutes later, one of my friends walked into the bathroom. She shouted at me and asked me if I was okay. I couldn't think let alone speak. I ended up going to a therapists, but even they couldn't help me. I was left to wallow in my own depression.

The police tried talking to me, but I wouldn't say a word. I feared that the man who raped me would kill me if I said anything.

*End of Flashback*

I was brought back into reality when I began shaking tremendously. I thought I suppressed these tremors years ago.

"Do you know who that man was Kacie?"

"N-n-no." I cry out.

"The man who raped you was me."

The whole world just crashed down on me. I was literally going to die. I was in the hands of my rapist. Whose to say that he won't do anything bad to me...again!

All of this new information was just to much for me to take. I passed out before he could say anything else.



Any thoughts on what happened?

Why is he holding her in captivity?





THANKS LOVELIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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