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It was a hot winter. Perhaps hotter for Jisoo's case as she ran across every avenue at the alley she's in, after shoplifting a convenience store with a bubblegum. She knew stealing was bad but could you compare the evil of two men chasing a defenseless girl versus the fact that this poor girl stole one sweet? She thought that.

The girl stole not out of greediness but out of starvation. Whenever her stomach would grumble, a solution to that is to blow a tasteless bubblegum. A solution for almost 10 years living lonely at the busy streets.

No one will notice you, talk to you, be friends with you because of her lowly life. Jisoo was fine with it. She'd always tell herself that she's lucky enough to be alive. "Come back here!" The men's voice echoed. She ran faster than before.

"Shit." She cursed as she nearly tripped down a pebble. Turning from point to point until she lost the two. Jisoo quickly hid herself behind a giant post. Unwrapping the bubblegum and shoving it in her mouth.

As she chewed, a limo from a not-so friendly looking street stopped by. She just ignored as she didn't want to bother other people's business. 'Live your life however you want, while I can also live my life however I want as well.' She always said to herself.

But things started to get uncomfortable when two men went out to open a door for a extravagant-looking woman. All in black. She had a crown-shaped beret and luscious red lips. The woman's dark curls fell softly and perfectly at the back of her black dress.

Jisoo quickly removed her gaze from the woman and started walking away. She felt the men who were with woman follow her. She fastened her pace but the two bulky men just took her up and carried her like a bag. "Hey! Put me down!" She kicked and acted like a mad woman.

They brought her in front of the woman who was now blowing up some smoke from her mouth. She put down her cigarette and smiled at her. "Hello deary~"

The girl frowned, "Listen. I don't know what your deal is, but just let me go. Can't you see? I live outside the streets. I don't have any gold bars on these scrunched pockets!" She lifted and showed it's emptiness.

"Your jacket." She said, "You stole this didn't you?"

"W-What!? No! I bought it! It was cheap!" Jisoo protested.

The woman looked at her in the eye, "Lips not trembling, pupils not shaking." She hummed for a second and then, "You're a pathological liar! I love it!" She berated and nodded at the guards.

They took Jisoo and placed her safely in the car, "Let. Me. Go!" She said as they shut close the car door. She tried to open it but it was already locked. Jisoo gritted her teeth and looked at the woman who was calmly putting on her gloves, "What do you want!?"

"Your jacket still has a big price tag on it, sweetie. Don't try and lie. But of course, thanks to that, you have proven your worth're truly a psyche!"

"A what-"

"Chop-chop!" She clapped her hands and immediately a seatbelt held Jisoo's arms and limbs and trapped her on the seat.


"Ssh. Everything will be alright dearest pupil of mine." She said as she tested the injection as it spilled little droplets of water around. She went near her and smiled, "Good Alpha, Kim Jisoo. I am Headmistress Park and I am officially admitting you to attend a school for mentally differenced people." She smiled and injected insulin on her.

Jisoo felt her eyelids getting heavy.

"Welcome to Paragon High." Then everything went black.

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