Scene 020

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Scene 020

After the funeral Jac, Amy, and Santi returned to the Medical Facility. Santi ran some tests upon Jac. "Well, the Medical Computer shows very slight traces of alcohol in your system. Amy was right. Our faster metabolism is what caused the alcohol to hit you so hard and fast. That little bit of alcohol in the drink would've made Amy feel relaxed but nothing more." 

Amy gave Jac a faint shrug and smile. "I am sorry, Jac. When I ordered my coffee, I didn't know you made a habit of eating or drinking everything within your sight." 

"Very funny," said Jac, running his fingers through his hair. "Santi, I'm going to need a copy of the medical breakdown on the alcohol and how it affects us. I'll also need a copy of your opinion on what has accrued." He jumped out of the Medic Bay and ran his hand through his hair again. 

"You keep doing that and you're going to pull out all of your hair by the time we reach Valdiar," said Amy with a straight face. She was trying to hold in her laughter. 

"Do what?" snapped Jac. He looked from Amy to Santi and watched as they exchanged looks. 

"I think; Amy was referring to the fact you keep running your fingers through your hair," said Santi. She was barely keeping her face straight. She quickly glanced down at her hands.  

Snorting, Amy caught Santi's quick look. They broke into laughter. Amy watched as color flooded Jac's face. 

Growling, Jac said, "I'm going to the Command Center. I've a few things to do before midday." Stopping at the door, he looked back at Santi. "Please forward those reports to my terminal." He walked out the door with all the composure he could muster. 

After the door closed, Amy looked at Santi and said through her laughter. "You know, I think, I've been a trial to that poor man." 

Santi looked at Amy. "You? Surely not!" They laughed all the harder. 

After calming down, Amy called, "Cat, how much longer to midday?" 

"You have about three hours," replied Cat. 

Santi had a puzzled look upon her face. "Surely that's not 'The Great Cat'? What is she doing upon this ship?" 

"Well, she's my tutor on the things I want to know," said Amy. "I'm going back to my cabin and eat lunch before my call comes in." Amy gave Santi a smile and left the facility. 

I hope they know what they're doing, thought Santi. If Amy finds out the truth before she's ready to understand, she could cause some major damage. Shaking her head, Santi sobered up and left to gather all of Roulf's personal possessions from his cabin.

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