Scene 078

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Scene 078

"Let go of me," said Tiarra. As the small group entered the Medical Facilities, Tiarra jerked away from Santi. "Get that thing out of here." She pointed to Lubin.

Santi gave a small laugh. "You try and make Lubin leave. I'm not the one who upset Amy." Santi sat down on a chair by the door and in an after thought called. "Cat, please lock this door so the High Medic Tiarra can't leave until she has herself under control."

"I will do as you asked," said Cat.

Lubin jumped into Santi's lap and settled down. "You dare?" exclaimed Tiarra. She paced the Medical Facilities.

"Yes," said Santi. She was very tired of the High Medic's presence already. "I am a Medic, but first and foremost, I am a Valdiarian. My ruler's happiness comes first." She sighed. "You don't want Dam's happiness. You want your own."

Growling, Tiarra lunged at Santi. Lubin stood up, growled, and showing his impressive set of teeth. Tiarra stopped just an arm's length away from Santi. "Keep your observations to yourself," The High Medic snapped.

When did I ever think this person was beautiful, thought Santi. She watched Tiarra pace to the far side of the room.

Jac entered the Medical Facility in a full rush. He looked as if he just woke up. "Santi? Where are you?" He scanned the room quickly.

"Here I am," said Santi.

Jac turned toward Santi. "There you are," He said, letting out a huge sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You look as if you just woke up," Santi observed.

"I did," replied Jac. "I pulled a late night on the bridge and just got to bed not long ago."

"So, what are you doing here?" asked Santi. She wanted to straighten up Jac's messy appearance.

"Cat woke me from a sound sleep. She said, you needed me, and I needed to hurry," said Jac. A concerned expression filled his face.

Santi looked up into Jac's eyes. "Thank-you for caring," she said. She nodded her head toward Tiarra, who stood gazing out the window.

Jac followed Santi's gaze. "Great," said Jac. He leaned against Santi's desk. Just what I need. She's going to try and start trouble; Jac thought.

"Isn't this sweet?" Tiarra sneered. "This whole ship is overflowing with matings."

Jac ignored Tiarra, turning to Santi. "How long has she been on the ship?"

"She has been here close to forty five minutes," replied Santi.

"Next question, has she already tried to cause trouble? She has been here long enough," came Jac.

Santi nodded, not knowing how to respond to the question, without digging herself in any deeper trouble with the High Medic.

"Figures," snapped Jac. "Cat, give me a complete update of the High Medic's activities since her arrival on my ship."

Cat explained what had accrued since Tiarra had stepped off the transporter. "So now not only has she made Dam angry, which Amy is cooling that off as we speak. But she has the Dolefur angry. Due to her unstable actions and emotions, she has caused the Medic Santi to confine her to the Medical Facility."

Across the room, Tiarra exploded, "I have never heard a bigger untruth. That thing doesn't like me." Tiarra looked as if she wanted to attack something with her bare hands.

Letting another curse fly, Jac said, "You know Cat can't lie, but if you really think she is out to get you, I will ask the computer." Jac walked around Santi's desk to her computer console. "Computer, display all video taken of the High Medic Tiarra's arrival until present." As Jac watched the videos, a look of anger came over his face.

"If anything, Cat was understating the problem." Jac growled. "Cat, just for the record, I want it noted, I agree with Medic Santi on the order of locking High Medic Tiarra in the Medical Facility until we reach Valdiar." Jac put his head in his hand for a moment. "Will this trip never end?"

Santi stood up and walked over to Jac. She placed Lubin on the table and began to knead Jac's shoulders. "Just two more days."

Across the room Tiarra picked up a small statue and started to throw it. A growl and another show of teeth from Lubin convinced her otherwise.

Jac reached up and took Santi's hand in his. "Come to my cabin. You can take a shower and get something to eat in peace. She should be fine here on her own."

"All right," said Santi.

Lubin sent an inquiring thought to the two of them.

"Yes. You can come also, and yes we will feed you," said Jac. They left the medical facility, leaving Tiarra to stew by herself.

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