Scene 033

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Scene 033

"Santi, I was told you need my help," said Cat. Her presences filled the room.

"Yes, I want to review all past Royal Matings to see if any are similar to Amy and Dam's. The information in the ship's memory banks had been provided by the High Medic. It only cover what she thought I would need on this trip. I don't have any hard knowledge on past Royal Matings. I know you have a much large memory bank." Reviewing her medical records, Santi frustration flooded her. She wanted to be able to help Dam and Amy.

"I would be more than happy to help you search and provide you with the information you require," offered Cat.

"I guess; we should start with any unusual Royal Matings and go on from there," said Santi. I don't know why I didn't receive a full medical memory bank. "By the way how many matings do you have on record?"

"Now, let me see. I have more than twenty three-hundred Royal Matings on file"

There are a lot of matings. It will take longer for us to go through them than we have time. Santi gave a frustrated sigh. "Do any of them stand out in your memory?"

"No, nothing. But, let us begin to review each one. I will put some up on your viewer," offered Cat. Within moments, Santi's desk viewer began to fill with information.

"By the way Cat what are Dam and Amy doing this morning?" asked Santi as she started on the records.

"You will be happy to know, they are going to start Amy's exercises this morning." Cat's tone was smug. "Jac will be having a lot of fun today."

Breaking into laughter, Santi said, "You're bad." Still laughing, she went back to viewing the records.

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