Chapter 1

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Akela's PoV
I laid on the cold cage floor chained to the wall by my neck and A metal muzzle on my snout which both dug into my skin. My white fur had become covered in blood and dirt. I was in excruciating pain especially in my back right leg after a beating yesterday. I haven't eaten anything for 4 days when I did eat it would be once a day and it was only a small bowl with 3 pieces of chicken in it, I would also get a bowl of water but it was no where near enough to fill me up.

"Get up mutt" I heard a voice shout from the cage door

The cage door opened and a bald man with a scruffy beard walked in wearing a white coat. I growled at him as he approached me he had some kind of metal rod in his hand.

"I said get up" he shouted

He up clipped the chain and pulled it so the collar dug into my skin more. I whined as I got up due to the pain in my leg.

"Quit whining you stupid mutt" he sneered and kicked me in the side as I yelped.

He yanked harshly and led me out of the cage I was limping behind him as we walked down a dark corridor he took me to a room there was 2 other men there wearing white coats and a metal table in the middle of the room.

"Put her on the table" one of the men said

I was grabbed my the scruff and lifted onto the cold table I was made to lay down a one of the doctors had tied my feet together and strapped my head to the table.

"With this she will become hydras greatest asset" I heard Then I felt something sharp in my neck and excruciating pain covered my entire body I shook uncontrollably and howled in pain eventually I blacked out.

Third persons PoV (with the avengers)

The avengers where in the new avengers facility waiting for Fury to arrive after he called them on a urgent matter they needed to attend to.

"Why do you think Fury called us in for" Steve asked

"No idea" Nat replied

After a couple of minutes waiting fury entered and walked in front of them with a file in his hand.

"What did you call us in for eyepatch" tony said fury rolled his eyes

"We have Intel on a hydra base not far from here and I want you to go there and check it out" Nick told them

"What about Loki" Natasha asked

"Since thor is still off world Loki needs to stay in the cell I'll get someone to bring him food" Fury replied to them they nodded

"You will be leaving in 20 minutes so suit up" Fury said

After the avengers left Fury's office they quickly made their way to there rooms to suit up. After they where dressed they boarded the jet that was outside.

Akela's PoV

I woke up with agonising pain all over my body while I laid on the cage floor. I slowly got up I was still chained to the wall but I realised the muzzle was off i started licking my leg and cuts.

I laid back down and put my head on my paws I was starving and cold the agonising pain the filled my body had worn off but my back leg was still in pain.

10 minutes later

Alarms started ringing I could hear rushing footsteps outside the door before it opened a man quickly rushed in.He ran to the chain and unhooked it from the wall.

I saw that he left the door unlocked and without thinking I got up ignoring the pain in my leg and I growled and lunged at his hand tearing into it he screamed in pain and let go of the chain I took my chance and ran out of the door.

Third persons PoV

The avengers jet landed just out side of the base it was in the middle of a forest Steve and tony where the first to exit the jet followed by Nat and clint while Bruce stayed in the jet. All of a sudden they heard alarms coming from the base.

"They know we're here" steve told them

"Jarvis deploy the drones and scan the area for any ways they can escape" Tony told her suddenly 3 drones came from the jet and started scanning the area.

"Sir there seems to people escaping threw the back entrance" she said

"Clint, Nat you two head in side and take out anyone that comes at you" Tony told them before Nat and clint entered the base

"Steve your with me we can't let anyone escape" Tony told

Steve nodded and ran to the other side of the base while Tony flew over and saw people escaping threw the door he sent a blast hitting the forest floor with his replusers knocking them off the feet a couple where knocked unconscious Tony flew down and landed in front of a man dressed in black Tony hit him in the face knocking him out while Steve knocked out another.

Meanwhile Nat was fighting two hydra agents until she shot both of them killing them imidiately clint shot an arrow at another agent who was about to shoot Nat.

Nat made her way further in the base until he came upon an empty office she decided to find some information on what they where doing here she searched the desks and found nothing until she was able to hack into the computer.

What she found shocked her


NAME: Akela

BREED: wolf

AGE: 4

FEATURES: White with golden/ yellow eyes

LAST INJECTION : 1 day ago

LAST MEAL: 5 days ago

ADDICTIONAL INFO: The wolf was taken from thr mother at 4 weeks old as well has her 5 siblings before mother was shot Akela was the only survivor out of the litter


"Guys your not gonna believe this" Nat said into her coms

"They have a fucking wolf"


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