Chapter 5

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"Stark you should get banner now"

Akela's PoV

I heard multiple people enter the room I started growling at them.

Someone started to come closer to me with something in his hand which look rather familiar to the muzzle I had worn back at the place before I escaped I started to snap at him baring my teeth he backed off.

"I can't help her unless I put this on" The man holding the muzzle said

"I'll do it give it here" The man stroking me said the muzzle was handed over I watched as he started putting the muzzle closer to my face i growled but I reluctantly allowed him to put in on me.

"We need to take her to the med bay" someone said

I felt myself being lifted I yelped when my leg was touched. I was carried to another room by the man who gave me the delicious food he set me down on a table.

Third person's PoV

Loki followed Bruce to the Medbay while carrying Akela he could feel every rib in her body Tony and Thor followed behind them.

Loki set the wolf on the table while Bruce gathered up the equipment And walked back to the wolf.

"I need to examine her but I don't want her thrashing about making whatever injuries she has worser" he told them Loki nodded and gently stroked the Akela's back.

"Loki before she yelped where did you touch her" Bruce asked

"Her back right leg I think" Loki replied Bruce started to examine the back legs

"Well her leg is definitely fractured possibly broken" Bruce said

"I'll need to splint it and apply a cast" Bruce told them then started making his way up her body Loki moved out of the way so he was standing by her head.

"She appears to have a swollen stomach probably due to being kicked pretty hard luckily she has no broken ribs" Bruce explained while pressing down on the wolfs stomach which caused the wolf to whine

"And as you can see she is extremely emaciated probably hasn't eaten properly since she was a pup" Bruce said

Loki started to gently stroke the wolfs neck when he felt something wet on his hand he looked at it and it was covered in blood he looked up at Bruce.

"Banner" Loki said bruce turned to Loki to see blood on his hand.

"Where did that blood come from" Bruce asked concerned

"Her neck" Loki replied

Bruce walk up to her neck and started moving her fur out of the way until he saw that she was wearing a collar

"She's wearing a collar it appears to be embedded into her skin" he told them

"As she has eaten I can't put her under so she's going to have to be awake but I'll give her some pain relief" Bruce said

Bruce grabbed a needle and the pain relief aswell as a shaver. he started to shave the fur on the wolfs leg she started to growled and struggled under his touch.

"Loki do you think you can do it she seems more calm with you" Bruce suggested Loki nodded and took the shaver and needle from Bruce.

Loki started to shave the fur then injected the pain relief into her leg. Bruce grabbed everything he needed and set them on the table

"I need to do her leg first just keep her still" Bruce told Loki

While they where busy treating the wolf Tony decide to text Nat and Steve and to let them know what's happening aswell as telling them to make the cell more comfortable then carried on watching Bruce and Loki.

Loki started to scratch behind Akela's ear to calm her as Bruce started on her leg he applied the splints and then the cast which he let set before moving to her neck.

Bruce went to her neck and started to cut the bloody fur around the collar and took a pair of scissors and cut the collar he started to gently Remove it until it was fully off.

"I'm going to clean the wound and then wrap it" Bruce said and started cleaning the wound then gently applying the bandage around her neck.

"While I was wrapping her neck I did notice some cuts on her nose area which I need to take a look at" Bruce said

Bruce walked around so he was standing in front of her face he tried to get closer to examine the cuts but she started growled baring her teeth through the muzzle he sighed and ignored her he knew she couldnt bite through the muzzle.

"The cuts look like they are from a previous muzzle im going to put some ointment on them"Bruce explained and gently applied the ointment on the cuts.

"I'm going to give her a dose of antibiotics" Bruce said and injected it into the back of her neck

"She's good to go" Bruce said

"over the next couple of weeks try and keep her of her feet" Bruce said

"I also suggest you don't over feed her as it can cause her to be sick" Bruce added

"Do you want to take her back Loki she's more comfortable with you" Bruce suggested while Loki was still stroking Akela

"As you can see" Bruce pointed to the fast asleep wolf lying on the table while Tony and Thor came over and looked at the wolf.

"Let's get her back to the cell before she wakes up" Tony announced

Loki picked up Akela and walked out of the med-bay followed by Tony, Thor and Bruce as they made their way back to the cell.

Loki entered the cell and placed Akela gently down on a bundle of blankets that where on the floor and removed her muzzle.

"You weren't kidding when you said he was good with animals" Tony said to Thor as they watch Loki.

After Loki took the muzzle off he walked out of the cell and made his way to to Tony,Thor and Bruce.

"Is it ok if I stay here with her" Loki asked

"Sure reindeer games" Tony said

"She will probably be sore when she wakes up" Bruce said Loki nodded and walked back to the cell .

"I think this will be good for my brother" Thor said


Akela (Avengers x wolf)Where stories live. Discover now