Chapter 14

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No PoV (4 days later)

The avengers where sat in the lounge discussing there plans to find the wolf and take down the the people that took her

"There's been no trace of the wolf I've had Jarvis search the entire city they must have her underground" Tony told them

"We have to find her we can't let hydra be in control of a creature like that" Steve said they all agreed with him

"Sir it appears that Loki is seizing I recommend immediate intervention" Jarvis said

Bruce ran out the room followed by Thor the avengers stood there watching them run out the room


Bruce ran through the hallway towards the medbay Thor hot on his trail

"Jarvis how long" Bruce said as he ruched through the medbay door

"2 minutes mr banner" Jarvis replied

Bruce's rushed to Loki as he was seizing he saw Thor run into the room panic written all over his face

"Thor i Need you to hold him down so I can administer the anti-seizure medication" Bruce told Thor

Thot rushed to Loki's side and held him down while he was seizing Bruce quickly grabbed the medication and ran back over to Loki and grabbed his arm and injected it he waited for a couple of second but the seizing didn't stop

"Why isn't it stopping" Thor said then Loki started foaming at the mouth

"We need to Turn him on his side" Bruce said before Thor and Bruce turned him on his side

"What's happening" Thor asked

"His mouth is locked which is causing excess saliva turning him on his side can stop him from choking" Bruce explained

Then Loki stopped seizing and the machine started going crazy Bruce looked at the machine not seeing any heart rhythm

"He's flatlining I need to start CPR" Bruce shouted turning Loki flat on his back and immediately started compressions

While Bruce  was doing the compressions the other avengers ran into the room   And stopped when they saw the scene

Bruce carried on compressions for 4 minutes and still no pulse Bruce decided to stop doing compressions and check Loki's pulse he turned toward the others and shook his head

"No no my brother is not dead" Thor argued thunder sounded shaking the room

"Thor buddy calm down" Tony said stepping forward

"Don't tell me to calm down when my brother is lying there dead and its your fault" Thor pointed 

"Thor" Steve started

"If he would have just removed the dampner Loki wouldn't be dead and I wouldn't have lost my brother" Thor said clint mumbled something under his breath which Thor could only make out a couple of word

"What did you just say" Thor said and walked closer to clint

"I said I'm glad he's dead one less maniac in the world" clint said anger shot through Thor

"Clint I suggest you leave" Steve said

"Gladly" clint said and walked out of the room

"Thor" Bruce said Thor turned around to face him

"I think I have a way to bring Loki back" Bruce said that made everyone turn to him

"Thor you hammer controls lighting which is energy if you can put that energy into Loki you should be able to restart his heart" Bruce said

"You really think that could work" Tony said

"There's only one way to know" Bruce said

Thor held Mjollnir tightly in his hand as he walked towards his brother he stood still staring down at him hoping that Bruce is correct and it brings him back.

"Ok Thor you need to do it now because if not there may be side effects because his brain has had no oxygen for a long period of time" Bruce suggested Thor nodded and surged the Lightning into mjollnir and hovered it above Loki's heart and then tap it down sending a shock to Loki's body.

There was silence they stood there waiting until a beep sounded in the room then another and another Bruce checked Loki's pulse

"It worked" Bruce announced

After a couple of minutes Loki's skin Began to turn back to normal, his hair was stuck to his face Thor gently brushed it to the side and notice he still had saliver all over the side of his face Thor stepped over to the sink and wet a cloth and started to wipe it off.

"Thor how about you take a break its getting late and you'll be no good to your brother if you are over tired" Bruce reccomended

"I'm not leaving my brother not again" Thor said Bruce sighed

"Then I'll bring a more comfortable chair" Bruce said and left the room

Thor looked at Loki once more to see him shivering so he grabbed a blanket and placed it over him.

After 10 minutes Bruce brought a more comfortable chair and placed it next to the bed Thor thanked him and sat down Bruce left to get some rest and Thor sat there until he felt his eyes droop and eventually fell asleep.

The next day

Thor woke up at the early hours of the morning and realised that he must have fell asleep. He looked over to Loki and saw he was really sweaty he touched Loki's forehead and he was burning up.

"Jarvis get Bruce tell him it's Loki" Thor said

After 5 minutes Bruce rushed into the room still half asleep and still in his nightwear

"What's wrong" Bruce asked

"Loki's burning up" Thor said Bruce quickly went over to Loki and placed his hand Loki's forehead he then checked Loki's temperature

"39.2 which is definitely above the normal temperature for a human but considering he's a front giant I assume this isn't normal" Bruce said

"My brother has never been sick so I don't know what his normal temperature is for him" Bruce said

"Ok I'll try giving him some Tylenol to reduce the fever and I'll check his temperature again in a couple of hours" Bruce said

"Thor why don't you go get something to eat while I stay here with him" Bruce said 

"Ok" Thor said reluctantly and left the room 

End of chapter

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