Chapter 18

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"She was here" Loki said after the boy fell unconscious

"We need to get him to the jet now" Bruce said

They left the room and made there way back to the jet where they saw nat and Clint waiting there

"Is that a kid" Clint said as he saw the unconscious boy in Steve's arms

"We'll explain once we're on the jet and in the air" Steve said holding the boy close to him and he'd just realised how light the boy was

"Let's get him inside" Bruce said

Steve carried the boy inside following Bruce and the others trailing behind him. Bruce led Steve into the back of the place where a medical bed was placed.

"Lay him down gently Steve on his front if we can and we need to try and remove his top I don't want it getting stuck to the wounds" Bruce said

Steve laid the teen down and turned him over Bruce then gently took the top and then looked at the extent of the wound until they realised it was worse then they thought.

His back was covered in more wounds then they saw and his ribs and collar bone where sticking out Clint then chose the time to walk into the room

"Nat's ready to... oh my god" Clint gasped as he saw the teens condition Thor and tony heard Clint from the other room and pushed passed him into the room and saw the condition the kid was in

"Who would do this to a child" Thor said

When loki walked into the jet he looked at the state of his hands which where covered in dirt and god knows what else so while the other disappeared Loki went to the sink and washed the dirt off and dried them.

Went he went to the main area he didn't find anyone until he heard Thor's loud mouth he saw Clint standing in the doorway where the others must be.

Loki squeezed passed Clint and saw what they where staring at it was the child who was laying face down shirtless.

"Stop staring at him like he's some kind of item in a bloody museum" Loki snarled at them

"Loki's right everybody get out while I do what I can until we get him to the med-bay" Bruce said they all nodded and moved passed Loki and exited the room

"Loki you stay" Bruce said Loki turned to him

"I'll need your help your the only one that doesn't get distracted" Bruce said Loki nodded

"What do you need me to do" Loki said making his way over

"I need to disinfect the wounds and clear out any debris in them" Bruce started

"Doesn't sound too bad" Loki said

"Except We don't have any pain medication or anything to knock him out if he wakes up he's going to be in extreme pain" Bruce then said

"Oh and you need me to what hold him down"  Loki said

"Yes I know the others won't be able to handle it especially when it's a kid" Bruce told him Loki agreed with him

"And I think you know what he's going through" Bruce said Loki knew that Bruce and the others had seen the scars on his back

"Okay let's get started then" Bruce said and gathered up the supplies he needed

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