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The long awaited Epilogue is FINALLY here! Again, I want to apologize for taking longer than expected to update

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The long awaited Epilogue is FINALLY here! Again, I want to apologize for taking longer than expected to update. I've been dealing with something really tough, and you guys have been so patient while I've taken time to get better! I hope you love this ending as much as I do!

October 14, 1944


             I hope this letter finds you well. I read in the papers that the Americans have breeched German forces in West Holland. And while I'm hopeful this means we're one step closer to the end of this war, I find myself worried for you. Charlotte is growing more than ever. She loves to look at pictures of you. She asks everyday to see "Dada." I long for the day she can meet her father, and you your daughter. Until then, we send all our love.
                                                                                                                    - M

Sitting the pen down, she held up the piece of paper and examined it. She stood to her feet, the legs of the chair raking across the hardwood as she made her way to the door.

"I'm going to the mailbox," She called over her shoulder to Gwen, who was in the midst of cooking dinner in the kitchen. Opening the door, she stepped outside and began the short journey down the cobblestone path that led to the end of the driveway. She looked around, letting her mind wander as she took in the glow the sunset had cast over the orange and red hues of the countryside.

It had been a year and a half since she'd left Holland ... Since she'd gotten into that Jeep and watched from the rearview mirror as Josef's silhouette slipped out of view. She'd felt so many things that day. Relief that she'd made it out alive ... fear of what was to come ... and dread of having to face it all without Josef.

The British soldiers who'd rescued her had stayed at her side the entire time, but she'd never felt so alone in her entire life. Josef had been right though. She'd had to leave. As much as it had pained her, there was no home for her in Holland anymore.

Petrified, and heartbroken, she'd boarded the steamer that had taken her to a port just East of Colchester, where Gwen had been waiting. Together, they'd settled down in a tiny cottage Gwen had been renting with money she'd made working in the munitions factory. Despite having no formal training, Mila had managed to get a job with a doctor, working in the clinic he ran in the heart of town. She'd given birth to Charlotte just five months later.

She and Josef had written one another constantly, but despite the words and photographs exchanged through the mail, his absence was palpable. She hated that a year of Charlotte's life had passed without meeting her father. She'd taken her first steps ... Said her first words. All without Josef there to see it. Birthdays ... Christmas ... Every holiday and milestone that passed, made her heart ache more and more.

Sighing, she opened the mailbox, slipping the letter inside.

"Is that for me?" A voice called from behind. Turning on her heel, her eyes met a familiar pair of blue ones.

"Josef," She said breathlessly. There he stood, just a few yards away, his lips twisted into the crooked smile she remembered so well. Closing the distance between them, she collided against him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Dropping the duffle he'd been carrying, he returned the embrace, burying his face in her hair. Finally, she loosened her arms enough to look up at him properly. "Wha-what are you ... How?" She sputtered, stumbling over words as she tried to make sense of it all.

"Den Haag's been taken by the Allies," Josef replied. "I was relieved of my post, effective immediately," He added, the same coy smile from before, returning.

"They just let you leave?" She asked incredulously.

"It seems a few of your friends in the SIS remembered me," He smirked. "There was some red tape to cut through, but as soon as they released me I got on the first boat I could charter."

"What about your family?" She asked, her mind running in a million different directions.

"They left for America in May," He explained. "They wrote me last month saying they'd settled somewhere called Philadelphia."

"I can't believe you're here," She shook her head. He was here ... actually here. Cupping his face in her hands, she pressed her lips to his. Pulling her tightly against him, he returned her kiss.

"Mila, Char is asking for y-," Gwen called from the driveway, carrying Charlotte on her hip, but stopped short when her eyes fell on Josef. "Who's this?" She asked, glancing between Mila and the mystery man who's arms were still wrapped around her waist.

"Gwen," She began, stepping to the side. "This is Josef Fischer."

"The Captain Fischer?" Gwen cocked an eyebrow.

"This is my sister," Mila gestured towards Gwen.

"Gwen," Gwen said, extending her free hand to Josef.

"I've heard quite a bit about you," Josef smiled, accepting her hand.

"All good things I hope," She smiled coyly.

"Of course," He returned her coy smile with one of his own.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" She asked, handing Charlotte over to Mila.

"I...," He glanced to Mila for an answer. "If that's alright."

"Of course it is," Gwen chimed in before she could answer. "I'll set an extra place at the table." With that, she turned on her heel and headed back inside.

"There's someone I suppose you'd like to meet," She said once they were alone again. Shifting her weight so that Charlotte was resting on her hip, she looked up at Josef. "This is Charlotte." 

"The pictures didn't do her justice," He said breathlessly, his attention fixated on the little blue eyes looking up at him. "She's beautiful."

"Would you like to hold her?"

"Can I?" He asked tentatively.

"Of course," She gave him a reassuring smile. "She's yours after all."

He nodded nervously, taking her from Mila's arms.

"Hello Charlotte," He smiled down at her, taking in every last one of her features, not wanting to miss a single thing. "She looks like you," He commented, beaming up at Mila.

"She has your eyes," She said, tucking a wispy curl behind her daughter's ear.

"Dinner's ready," Gwen's voice called from the front door. 

"I suppose that's our cue," He said.

"I suppose so."

Hand in hand, they walked up the drive. Opening the front door, she stepped inside, stopping when Josef didn't follow. "What is it?" She looked back at him expectantly.

"I love you," He said. Wrapping his free arm around her, he pulled her close, planting a kiss against her forehead.

"I love you too," She replied. Resting her head against his chest, she closed her eyes, never wanting to leave his arms again.


There you have it folks! The official ending to A Dangerous Game. This story has been a LONG TIME coming, and I can't believe its actually complete! Thank you so much for sticking with me through all the slow updates! You guys have made writing this story that much more fun!

Now on to the next historical adventure... Internment (COMING SOON) <3

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