Chapter 18

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I AM SO SO HAPPY TO FINISH THIS CHAPTER! It's a filler, but a necessary filler! Let me know what you guys think

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I AM SO SO HAPPY TO FINISH THIS CHAPTER! It's a filler, but a necessary filler! Let me know what you guys think... Will Mila be able to separate herself from the job like she promised Harvey? Leave a comment to let me know what you think will happen next! And, as always, if you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote! <3

"Where did you go the other morning? I woke up and you had disappeared," Josef's voice sounded from behind Mila, causing her to jump, almost spilling the cup of coffee she had just poured herself. "I was worried about you," He added.

"I didn't think it would be wise to be seen leaving your house so early in the morning, so I slipped out before anyone could notice," She lied quickly. She had known Josef would ask her where she had ran off to at some point, though the busy morning of meetings they had sat through had impeded any chance of conversation between them.

"You should've woken me up," He argued.

"You had such a long night, I didn't want to bother you," She lied again.

"Well, I still wish you would've at least let me walk you home," He continued, though it seemed as though her answer had been sufficient enough for him not to press further. "Especially with the people who set off the bomb still out there."

"They still haven't been caught?" Mila asked with mock interest, in an effort to change the subject.

"They have been now," He replied. "I was called into work probably not long after you'd left. We caught them last night ... A couple of kids, weren't any older than seventeen. I'll never understand it ... Destroying your own city to make a point," Josef shook his head.

"Humph," She nodded, forcing an agreeable smile. Deg Haag wasn't the Dutch people's city ... Not anymore. It had been lost, like the rest of the country, the moment the Germans had invaded Holland. "What will happen to them?"

"Well, no one was hurt so I imagine they'll be sent to a labor camp," Josef shrugged. Mila glanced away, her mind flashing to Gwen; Those kids responsible for the bomb were no older than she was. "Are you alright?" Josef asked, placing a hand against her shoulder. "You seem preoccupied."

"I'm fine," She shook her head, feigning a smile. "Just a lot left to do before I go home for the day," She lied, though it wasn't entirely untrue. She had finished typing up the minutes from that morning's meeting, even the agenda for tomorrow, hours ago, and had been focusing all of her energy on thinking of a way to get the transport information from Josef.

"Well I won't keep you from your work for much longer," Josef's concerned expression relaxed into a smile. "About the other night," He began in a lower voice, glancing around to ensure they were alone. "I never got the chance to thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," She shook her head, waving a hand at him.

"I've never talked about my brother that way with anyone. You were right ... It helped," He pressed on, nodding in thanks. "And," He continued, taking her hand lightly in his. "If you ever need to talk, I'd love to listen."

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