Chapter 33

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CHAPTER 33!! WOOHOO! I'm sorry for taking another month to give you guys and update, but the holidays have been so busy, and I feel like I haven't had a spare second to actually sit down and write something worth publishing! I know this chap is a ...

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CHAPTER 33!! WOOHOO! I'm sorry for taking another month to give you guys and update, but the holidays have been so busy, and I feel like I haven't had a spare second to actually sit down and write something worth publishing! I know this chap is a bit shorter, but I wanted to get something good out for all of you since you've been patiently waiting for so long! Let me know what you think! :)

"Mila," Catherine greeted, opening the front door wide enough for Mila to enter. "Come in."

Giving Catherine a small smile, she glided past her into the foyer of the Lingards' home. After her conversation with Josef, she had been nervously anticipating her meeting with Harvey and Catherine. She wanted to tell them everything ... How General Eichmann believed there was a spy ... How Josef had been placed as head of the investigation. She had wanted to run straight to them when she had found out, but had thought better of it. If she were honest she had been too afraid to. She had almost been too afraid to attend their scheduled meeting today, having left nearly a half hour earlier than what she usually did so she could take a longer, less traveled route to their home.

She was being paranoid ... She knew that. But the thought that the man she had grown so close to was now responsible for catching her made her so nervous it felt as though her heart might explode. That's why she needed to talk to the Lingards ... She needed reassurance. Needed them to tell her she was safe ... At least as safe as an uncover Jewish agent spying on the Nazi's could be.

"Mila," Harvey nodded, already seated in his usual spot in the sitting room, a glass of Scotch in hand.

"I take it the ambush went according to plan," She said, not wanting to waste any time on pleasantries.

"So you've heard?" He arched an eyebrow.

"It has everyone at The War Office in quite a fit," She commented, taking a seat on the sofa across from him.

"I would imagine so," He snickered. "Rations and ammunition to last the Nazis another six months, and the twenty men who were transporting it all captured by Allied forces ... Makes for quite the blunder," He added, raising his glass in a mock toast.

"What are they saying in your meetings?" Catherine asked, taking a seat in the armchair beside Harvey's.

"I wouldn't know," She said, drawing in a deep breath before continuing. "I'm no longer invited to attend the security briefings."

"What do you mean?" Catherine asked, furrowing her brow.

"Apparently non-military personnel are no longer considered essential to the higher profile meetings," She explained, watching Harvey's and Catherine's faces closely. "General Eichmann received the orders from Berlin after the ambush and a handful of people, myself included, were removed."

"Well I suppose that does throw a wrench in our plans," Harvey commented with a shrug. "But, I can't say we didn't see this coming. It's only natural for them to tighten the reigns a bit when something like this happens. There are other ways to gather information though," He added, giving Mila an insinuating look.

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