Romione headcannon

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Ron asked Mr. Granger whether he can marry hermione and Me. Granger agreed. However, Ron want done yet. He went to talk to Harry. He was quite surprised when Ron asked him Harry's best friend.

I have a feeling he said: "Hey mate, before I go on to propose 'Mione, I wanted your approval cause I know how you are like her brother. So can I ask your sister to marry me?"

Harry was like "Ofcourse! And if she says yes and you get married, can I ask your sister to marry me?" Ron hugged his best friend and asked him to keep this between them.

Next, Ron went to Diagon Alley. He went to shop and bought not only a ring, but a gold teaspoon aswell. After shopping, Ron went straight to the Burrow.

He went on his knees and said "Hermione Jean Granger, all my emotions belong to you" and he handed him the teaspoon. "Will you marry me?" He took the ring out. Hermione went for it.

She kissed her like she has never kissed him before.

So this how I think Ron proposed hermione. What do YOU think?

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