Guess the Quotes

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Okay guys let's play a game. I'm going to tell you a quote from harry potter and I'll mention which book it's from. You just need to tell who said it. Just tell in the comments.

1) "Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?" (Book 4)

2) "You're the cleverest witch of your age I've ever met, Hermione." (Book 3)

3) "I told you not to annoy Rita Skeeter! She's made you put to be some sort of scarlet woman!" (Book 5)

4) "That's the trouble with Quidditch, it creates all this bad feeling and tension between the house." (Book 5)

5) "An' they haven't invented a spell our Hermione can' do" (Book 2)

6) "Look at him blubber! Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic? And he's supposed to be our teacher!" (Book 3)

7) "Atleast no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." (Book 2)

8) "You should write a book, translating mad things girls do so boys can understand them." (Book 5)

9) "Famous before he could walk and talk! Famous for something he won't even remember! (Book 1)

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