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Lois was at home when you entered. "Y/n." She breathed out in relief as she went over and pulled you in for a hug. "Did you see the news?" She questioned before pulling away. "Yeah," you sighed before walking a few steps into the living room. "Clark was able to find out what planet I'm from and my birth name." You added and she came closer to you. "Turns out in from Xion. A planet known to be the home of the most powerful or witches and my name is Xandy; Defender of the People." You mentioned and she smiled before the man of the television spoke.

"We hardly know anything about them, isn't that right? If they truly mean us no harm... then they'll turn themselves in and face the consequences. And if they won't do that... then maybe we should. Uh, the Daily Planet's Lois Lane and Y/n Dane knows who they are. Well, one of the people they're speaking of. And I think they're the one we should be questioning." Woodburn spoke and you sighed. "I need to get to Clark." You told Lois and she gave you a look before showing you her phone that read Perry was calling her. "No. Stay here for a minute." She told you.

"Hello?" She asked when answering the phone.

"Are you watching this crap? Been running all morning."
Perry mentioned. "For once I agree with Woodburn. Have you seen them? Do you know where they are?"

"No. And Even if I did, I wouldn't say."

"The entire world is being threatened here. This is not the time for you to fall back on journalistic integrity. This is serious, Lois. The FBI is here. They're throwing around words like 'treason'." Perry said before Lois hung up. "The FBI is here." She told you but when she turned around, you were wearing your suit. (Suit below. You don't need to wear it if you don't want to).

(It's green because the magic is green but if you don't want it that color than change it)

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(It's green because the magic is green but if you don't want it that color than change it). "Y/n, what are you doing?" She asked. "Keeping you alive." You replied before grabbing her hand and running out of the apartment. You were hoping on getting her to safety so the FBI doesn't have her; that and the fact that you didn't want her to be in anymore danger she was already in. Running down the side of the building, the both of you were out of the clear and smiled at one another before a black SUV stopped your path. "Dammit..." you muttered when they exited.

"FBI. Hands up!" One of them yelled as Lois did as asked and you glared at them. "Drop the bag. Now." They told her and the others came around you. "Sir, we have one of the aliens." They said and roughly took ahold of you. You didn't want to put up a fight to show them that they shouldn't be feared of you. Nor of Clark, but at the invaders who were now here. That's when they took your hands and placed you in cuffs. Colonel Hardy sighed at Lois after looking at you.

"Harboring an alien. Should've known." He said. "Where's Y/n?" He then asked. "Out." She vaguely answered. He told his men not to stop searching for you when in reality, you were right there in front of them. "Place her in a different vehicle. High security for her. We don't know what she could do. If she tries anything, handle it." He told his men and they started to drag you to the other SUV. "No! You have to let her go." Lois mentioned as she struggled. "Why should I listen to you when you didn't listen to us?" He asked her. "She isn't who you think she is." She mentioned but they weren't having it and took her inside the SUV with them.

A father in a church not too far from Clark's place, was listening into the radio he had while he cleaned his place. Well, finishing up at the matter of fact. "Regarding the visitors themselves we know very little at this point. According to government offices I've spoken to, the visitors do not represent a threat despite the ominous tone of their message. Then of course there's the question on everyone's mind: Who is this Kal-El and Xandy person? Do they actually exist? How could they have remained hidden from us for so long?" The man on the radio spoke which reminded Clark of a memory.

Clark was reading one of his history books when one of the bullies came by and slammed their hands on his window; before opening the door and dragging him out. "Come on, Kent." They said and it wasn't just them, a few people from school came to watch apparently. Throwing him over towards the fence which made him fall. "Come on! Fight back! Get up, Kent." The same teen said and noticed he wasn't doing what he said. "So what, is that it? Is that all you've got? You can defend for your little 'girlfriend' but you can't even defend for yourself?" He added as he referred to you being his girlfriend.

"Come on, Kent. Come on!" He yelled but one of his friends pulled him back and pointed towards the adults at the corner watching them. They all left except for Pete who stayed back to help him back up on his feet. Once he left, Clark's father stood there. "Did they hurt you?" He asked Clark.

Clark took a deep breath in before letting it out. "You know they can't." He replied.

"It's not what I meant. I meant, are you all right?"

"I wanted to hit that kid. I wanted to hit him bad. Especially when he brought up Y/n."

"I know you did. I mean... part of me even wanted you to, but then what? Make you feel any better?" Jonathan told Clark before continuing on. "You just have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be, Clark. Because whoever that man is, good character or bad, he's... he's gonna change the world."

"What's on your mind?" The father spoke as Clark entered and took a seat towards the back.

Clark sighed as he thought about it for a moment. "I don't know where to start."

"Wherever you want."

"That ship that appeared last night. I'm the one they're looking for and Xandy too. I know where she went."

The father gulped at the flat out honesty that was being told to him all of a sudden. "Do you know.. why they want you both?"

"No. But this General Zod even if we surrender, there's no guarantee he'll keep his word, but if there's a chance we can save Earth by turning ourselves in... shouldn't we take it?"

"What does your gut tell you?"

"Zod can't be trusted. The problem is... I'm not sure the people of Earth can be either." He said before standing and walking towards the door to leave. That's when the father stood up.

"Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first." He told Clark which made him stop. "The trust part comes later." He finished.

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