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Time passed. Clark had asked you to be his girlfriend and you happily accepted. Your wounds were fully healed and the military weren't that bad as it goes for when being needed for missions and such. They didn't know either of your identities because either of you never told them and wanted to keep it that way. Which led to what was currently happening. You were at work as Clark was flying around checking to see if everyone was okay. What ended up happening was a military drone following him. They wanted to know and they were pushing it so he destroyed it and made sure it landed right where the General was currently driving. Not on the car but a few feet away enough to make them stop. He landed near it.

The General and the Captain that was with him, stepped out of the car. The General was the one to walk closer towards the crash site. He was closer, distance wise, to Clark than the Captain. "Are you effing stupid?" The General said as Clark crossed his arms.

"It's one of your surveillance drones." Clark told him as he took a step forward.

"That's a $12 million piece of hardware."

"It was." Clark started to tell him. "I know you're trying to find out where I hang my cape. As well as Aurora's. You won't."

"Then I'll ask the obvious question: How do we know you both won't one day act against America's interests?"

"We grew up in Kansas, General. We're about as American as it gets. Look... we're here to help.. but it has to be on our own terms and you have to convince Washington of that."

"Even if I were willing to try, what makes you think they'd listen?"

Clark made an I don't know face as he spoke. "I don't know, General. Guess we'll just have to trust you." He told him with a smile before leaving.

The General made a face before turning to face the Captain. Catching her smile but she was trying to hide it. "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing, Sir. I just think he's kind of hot." She admitted and he rolled his eyes before telling her to get in the car.

Back at the Cemetery, Clark was chatting with his mother as they looked at where his father was buried. "He always believed you were meant for greater things." Martha spoke. "And that when the day came, your shoulders would be able to bare the weight. Y/n helped so you wouldn't have too much on your shoulders. She's a nice woman."

"Yeah." Clark said with a smile. "She is. Helped me more than I have for her if I were to really think of it." He added before speaking about his father. "Just wished he could've been here to see it when it happened."

"He saw it Clark, believe me." She smiled as she remembered when Clark was younger. Running around with a cape on his back as his dog played with him. You were over as well and happened to be playing with him for a while. His father was working at the hood of his car but watched him having fun. His mother was doing laundry and passed by her husband till she noticed how he was looking at Clark. How he was playing with you. Gently petting his shoulder and smiling before leaving with the clothes. "What are you going to do when you're not saving the world? Have you given to any thought of that? I know Y/n said she has a job in journalism. The Daily Planet."

"I have actually." He said with a smile before chuckling when he realized the job he was able to get was the same one you currently have. "I'm gonna find a job, where I can keep my ear to the ground. Where people won't look twice." He added as he was seen riding a bike into the city and stopping right outside the Daily Planet. "When I want to go somewhere dangerous and start asking questions." He entered the elevator and placed glasses on before reaching the floor you were at.

"C'mon Lois, when are you gonna throw me a bone." Lombard asked her as she sat beside you. Your desk was next to hers but closer to the window so you could see outside and the view more than her. She gave you a look and you just laughed at his attempts. It wasn't working on her. "Court side seats to the game tonight. What do you say?" He added and she looked away from her computer to look at him as you smiled.

"I say, you should go back to trolling the intern-pool." She told him and you chuckled at her response. "You'll probably have more luck. Jenny looked at her because she was an intern herself and gave her a 'come on' look but shook her head with a smile. "Sorry." Lois told her. "She didn't mean you by the way." You told Jenny and she laughed knowing what she really meant. "Court side?" Lombard asked Jenny and she shut him down. Lois spotted Clark from far and nudged you which made you give a playful eye roll.

"Lombard." Perry started to say. "Lane, Dane. I want you to meet our new stringer and I want you all to show him the ropes. This is Clark Kent. Good luck kid." Perry added as he introduced Clark before leaving. Clark looked at both Lois and you but when he shared a look with you, he couldn't help but smile more.

Lois turned to you and whispered. "Did you know?" She asked.

"Not really. He told me he was going to find a job but I didn't exactly think it'll be this one. Come to think of it, it's a great cover." You told her.

"Oh yeah? And you would know." She replied teasingly.

"Hey.." you said with a fake pout and she laughed.

"Steve." Lombard introduced himself to Clark as he shook his hand. Now it was both your turn and Lois'. Lois stood as she went over, outstretching her hand. "Hi. Lois Lane." She told him. Trying to keep it professional. Then it was your turn. "Y/n Dane. Welcome to the planet." You told him.

He nodded at both of you. "Glad to be here Y/n and Lois. The three of you shared a smile before she went back to work.

"I'll show you to your desk." You told him. With that, the two of you were off. His desk wasn't that far from where both you desk and Lois' was. As he was placing his belongings down, you leaned against his desk. "You know, when you said you were going to find a job.. I didn't think It'd be this one." You mentioned but in a low voice so others wouldn't hear. His smile didn't leave his face.

"Wanted to surprise you." He replied.

"Well it worked." You told him before looking around when hearing someone call your name for help.

"Mom's having dinner. She'll love to have you over." He said which caused you to look back at him. "I'd love to. After we do a little crime fighting." You stated but said in a lower voice towards the end and he nodded his head before you left to go help your colleague. "What's the matter, Peter. Did your tie get stuck in the copy machine again?" You called out and he was currently positioned at the so called machine. Your response to Peter made Clark laugh. Just imagining the poor man being stuck.

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