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The smaller ship started heading towards the bigger one once in space and it was going at a rather fast rate. By the time you al had made it they were telling you all to exit. Zod turned when hearing the footsteps. You were in front with Clark as Lois was behind you both. "Kal-El. Xandy. You have no idea how long we've been searching for you both." Zod said.

Clark gulped as he spoke. "I take it you're Zod?"

"General Zod." Faora-Ul clarified and you coughed, not feeling great; blinking your eyes every so often. "Our commander."

"It's all right, Faora. We can forgive Kal any lapses in decorum. He's a stranger to our ways." Zod mentioned and you fell to your knees, coughing up blood. "This should be cause for celebration, not conflict." Zod added then saw your state. "Y/n.." Clark said in a worried tone before feeling the effects. "I... feel strange. Weak." He added before also falling onto his knees. By now, you were laying on the ground, gasping but coughed up a bit more blood in the process.

Clark spat out some blood in the process as well but glanced over to you; noticing that you were in worse shape than he was. "What's happening to them.?" Lois said worriedly.

"They're rejecting our ship's atmospherics." Zod started to say.

"Y/n." Lois said as she bent down towards you, trying to keep you from closing your eyes.

"You've spent a lifetime adapting to Earth's ecology but you never adapted to ours." Zod added.

"Help them." Lois mentioned when looking over at Clark. By now, you were unconscious on the ground; bits of your own blood around your mouth and chin. Clark looked over at you and wanted to help you but was currently getting his own taste of pain himself. "I can't. Whatever's happening to them has to run it's course." Zod mentioned.

Clark couldn't fight it anymore and fell to the ground completely. "Clark." Lois said trying to keep him awake as well. The last thing Clark heard was Lois pleading for them to help the both of you, but no one did. In this time, you were dragged to a different part of the ship as Clark was brought to another. One of the soldiers took Lois.

In your mind, you woke up to notice that you weren't on the ship or on earth, but on your home planet. "Xandy." You name was called and you turned to see your mother. "My dear." She said and walked closer to you. "You're not safe where you are. If they find out about your power, the power that was meant to save our planet as a whole, they'll... just don't let them get your heart." She mentioned and you were slightly confused on what she was talking about till your mind started to clear. The room you were actually in was what appeared to be an operation room. Apparently they didn't have any other available rooms to place you in.

Your sight was blurry at first as you felt a pinch on your arm and winced at the touch. Looking over, you caught sight of a figure; male but couldn't completely make out his features seeing how your sight was still on the blurry side. Shaking your head you struggled to break free. Wasn't working just yet due to the air they around you. The Kryptonian air they all breathed. It was making you cough again. "Don't worry. This will be all over soon." The man's voice could be heard saying.

In the meantime, Clark was waking in what appeared to be a field near his home. "Hello, Kal. Or do you prefer Clark. That's the name they gave you. Isn't it." Zod spoke as Clark looked around himself; taking in his surroundings. "I was Krypton's military leader, your father our foremost scientist. The only thing we agreed on was that Krypton was dying. In return for my efforts to protect our civilization and save our planet... I and my fellow officers were sentenced to the Phantom Zone. And then the destruction of our world freed us. We were adrift, destined to float amongst the ruins of our planet until we starved."

"How did you find your way to Earth?" Clark asked.

At the mention of this, it started to show what happened in the process. "We managed to retrofit the phantom projector into a hyperdrive. Your father made a similar modification to the craft that brought you here. And so the instrument of our damnation... became our salvation." Zod continued on. "We sought out the old colonial outposts looking for signs of life. But all we found was death. Cut off from Krypton, these outposts withered and died long ago. We salvaged what we could... armor, weapons, even a world engine. For 33 years we prepared... until finally we detected a distress beacon which you triggered when you accessed the ancient scout ship. You led us here, Kal. And because of that, we've found both you and Xandy. Now it's within your power to save what remains of your race." He added. "On Krypton the genetic template for every being yet to be born is encoded in the registry of citizens. Your father, stole the registry's Codex and stored it in the capsule that brought you here."

"For what purpose?"

"So that Krypton can live again... on Earth." Zod finished before the world engine in the background started to hit Earth and everything in its path started to get destroyed. Clark went to cover his face so any of the flying debris doesn't get into his eyes but Zod just stood there as he looked at him. Clark was now wearing his suit as everything around them started to clear up. "Where is the Codex, Kal?" Zod asked.

"If Krypton lives again... what happens to Earth?" Clark replied with a question of his own.

"The foundation has to be built on something." Zod told him as everything was burnt and destroyed around the two. "Even your father recognized that." He added as below Clark's feet rested millions of human skulls.

Clark realized as it started to pull him in; like some form of quicksand. "No, Zod. I cant be apart of this. Xandy either."

"Than what can you be a part of?"

"No! Zod! No!" He yelled before being pulled all the way in. That's when he woke up in a simile position as yourself. Taking a deep breath in, he attempted to free himself but was stopped by the shackles holding him down.

"Your father acquitted himself with honor, Kal." Zod spoke from beside him.

"You killed him?"

"I did. And not a day goes by where it doesn't haunt me. But if I had to do it again, I would. I have a duty to my people and I will not allow anyone to prevent me from carrying it out." He finished before leaving the room all together.

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