Ego Reigns?

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Duryodhan looked away, choosing his own side. He could never agree that he was wrong in hating the Pandavas. 

"I hate them more than I respect respect for you decreased the moment you said you were trying to bring justice to Draupadi..." Duryodhan uttered these words after constant brainwashing by Mamashree.

Karna lowered his head down in defeat. He felt the Lord's hands on his shoulders.

"It is better to remove all the poison from the bunch of fruits before they destroy other good ones..." 


"There is no point in trying to make a rotten fruit fresh..."

Karna turned to Duryodhan,

"You have a daughter....Duryodhan..." Karna said and continued

"You love her the most...just like King Drupad loves his daughter, Panchali...."

"We'll see after the combat...I'm sure I'll win it..." Duryodhan chuckled

"You would have never chosen me as your friend if you had thought you were competent enough to handle the Pandavas...." Karn cried 

"No...I would have never chosen you as my friend if I had known you would backstab me..." Duryodhan growled

"I did not backstab you...In fact I gave all the kingdoms I had won with my valour to you...It was your Mamashree who did not play the dice game well...he has actually backstabbed you know he has taken an oath to destroy the whole kuru dynasty?...I've already told you, didn't I?" Karna asked Duryodhan. He turned to look at his Mamashree who was trying to hide his face from him.

Shakuni rolled his eyes and remained silent for a while and nodded a yes, looking at his beloved sister Gandhari.

Duryodhan looked at Karna with a calm expression,

"By the way...I'm telling you...all the five pandavas were not born with the Kuru dynasty's's target was the hundred of you including Yuyutsu.." Karna cried 

"I'm ready for the battle...but I won't apologize to Panchali...." Duryodhan cried glaring with hatred for Shakuni.


The one to one combat begun, and Shikhandini managed to defeat Mahamahim Bhishm as he gave up all his weapons on the battleground. 

Bhim took care of all the Kauravas and especially, Dushashan was brutally killed in front of everyone. Karna went to Gandhari pleading her to stop her sons and apologize to Panchali. 

Gandhari was in agony and pain, and held Karna responsible for all the mishap. Yuyutsu and was spared on the basis of his choice to not fight, and Vikarn tried to prevent Duryodhan from disrobing Draupadi (just by signaling him not to do so...)

Duryodhan got hurt in his leg and was bleeding to death. Karna bent down and hugged him,

"Why did you do this?..."Karna cried

Duryodhan asked his mother to come closer to him. Gandhari ran to him and took him in his lap. Karna held his hands, bitterly crying as his brotherly friend was dying

"There's no fault of Karn, mata...he tried his best to protect me...I chose death over apologizing to Panchali, mata...I know, I've made a mistake by ordering her to be disrobed but my hatred for Pandavas has never been reduced...not even now...I choose death because she was Karn's wife and I deserve to be punished for hurting my friend, Karn... 

I do hate the Pandavas...but my acts were not right...if you do a have to face it's consequences...and I decided to punish myself for this..." Duryodhan cried 

"I still hate the Pandavas..." Duryodhan chuckled and continued

"I've never hated anyone else in my life...not even King Pandu or Mahamantri Vidur..." The dying Duryodhan said

"I should have chosen the right path to show my hatred towards them..." Duryodhan's eyes peacefully said,

"I was never punished for any mistake I did...and no one bothered how I was being brought up...maybe because mata had to take care of many children at the same time, it is very difficult to be a Maharani and a mother of hundred children, but still, Mata is the best...I never knew Mamashree's real intentions ,and I never knew when the seed of hatred he had buried , turned into a poisonous tree, and cutting it down was the only...option...I thought..." Duryodhan cried, closing his eyes.

Gandhari wailed loudly, when Yudhistir and the other Pandavas stood silent, crying.  Draupadi silently closed her eyes after listening to Duryodhan's last words. 

They usually said children are equal to God, and their divinity depends on how they are brought up. No child is born evil.


Gandhari wiped her tears and looked at Karn,

"Putr Karn...Kill my brother..." she shreiked

Karn stepped back in wonder. Mata Gandhari had ordered something he had been wishing to do for many days. 

"Nakul and Sahadev will do the honors, Mata..." Karn cried.

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