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"Dharma is something that has happiness as the result. If your so-called righteousness brings tears in ones eyes, it is not dharm, it is Adharm," Karna told Bhishm

Bhishm remained silent for a while.

"Friend Duryodhan," Karna cried

"You are not my friend! You have joined the Pandavas," He shouted

"No, I haven't. The people who cannot save their wife from humiliation are not true warriors. I hate the Pandavas. Please listen to me," Karna cried

Duryodhan in a fit of rage tried to attack Karna. Karna did not move and got his punch on his face. "Don't hit him Duryodhan!" Kunti shouted as she saw Karna getting the punch

Karna suddenly hugged Duryodhan and whispered in his ears

"Why are you listening to a shameless cowered who stays at his sister's in-laws ?" Karna asked

"You cannot brainwash me," Duryodhan shouted

"He has vowed to destroy the whole Kuru dynasty, remember that you too belong to the Kuru dynasty and if you don't trust me, ask your mother," Karna whispered back

Duryodhan stopped on his tracks.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I am saying the truth. I never hide anything from you and you know that very well," Karna said

"Bloody sutputra! You are trying to say that my uncle wants to destroy me?" Duryodhan asked in a low tone

"Of course, yes. He doesn't trust you, why didn't he make you the king of Gandhar as I suggested? And by the way, I am ready to give up Angdesh and even my life for you, but please consider my words for once" Karna whispered to Duryodhan confusing him.

Duryodhan frowned and left the sabha to meet Gandhari. Shakuni was scared of Duryodhan being on Karna's side. 

Karna's fury raged high as he saw the Pandavas. Draupadi was his wife too. Karna did not like Draupadi at all, but he would never think of doing such a thing to her. Karna left the Sabha and headed for Indraprasth, where Draupadi had gone alone.

"Thank God. Karna saved Draupadi from being humiliated," Bhishm told himself.


"It is true son, my brother has vowed to destroy everyone just because I have tied up my eyes," Gandhari said

Duryodhan could not believe her. Was Karna right?


Draupadi had closed all the doors of her room cried bitterly clinging to her bed. The Pandavas and Kunti reached Indraprasth in the meantime and went into the Palace. They tried calling Draupadi but in vain. Even Bheem could not open the door of Draupadi's chamber. Krishna was very very angry with the Pandavas and Kauravas for this disgusting act of theirs. 

Krishna managed to open the doors to Draupadi's chamber and Draupadi fell at his feet.

"Such humiliation! What did I do to them? They were trying to dis....disrobe me Govind!" Draupadi cried bitterly.

"But your husband saved you," Krishna cried

Draupadi looked at Krishna,

"It is time to tell them that my sixth husband is none other than Angraaj. I thought of protecting myself by calling me the Queen of Anga. But I was scared that Angraaj would not accept me as his wife," Draupadi cried

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