Karna in Hastinapur

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Lakshman Kumar and his sister, Lakshmana were delighted to see Karna. The little children ran up to him and hugged him

"When did you come Kakashri?" Lakshman Kumar asked

"Just now,"

"We missed you so much!" The five year old Lakshamanaa hugged Karna

"Lakshman, Lakshmanaa, go and play, I have to talk something important to Kakashri," Duryodhan sent his children away

"But Pitashree !" Lakshmanaa was cut in between

"Not right now. Let us play later," Duryodhan nudged his daughter to go and play

Lakshmanaa pouted and went back to play with her brother.

"Thank you for everything, friend Karn," Duryodhan said as he saww the crowns of all the Kings of the whole Aaryavrat lying in front of him.

"I do not like to hide anything from you, Mitr Duryodhan. I recently learnt that Radha Maa did not give birth to me...." Karna said

"And that you are a Kshatriya by birth..." Duryodhan continued

Karna frowned at Duryodhan with surprise.

"I knew it from your Kavach Kundal.." Duryodhan said

"I came to know who my real parent is..." Karna continued

"That's a very good news.....a parent?...what does that mean?" Duryodhan cried with excitement.

"I will tell you....you might get offended by learning who my parents are..." Karna said and began struggling to tell him the truth.

"I am lord Suryadev's son," Karna said

"Please do not get offended or tell this to anyone.." Karna continued.

"You are Kuntiputr, Kaunteya Karn..." Duryodhan calmly said

"What? How...How do you know?" Karna asked surprised

"I guessed it. I will get offended only if you were related to the Pandavas....and I was right," Duryodhan said

Karna nodded, with a sense of relief in his heart.

"I do not belong to the Kuru Dynasty..." Karna continued

"And I know that you do not want the throne of Hastinapur, so relax...." Duryodhan said and continued

"I am glad that you told me the truth....you have the courage to tell me the truth and that is important.." Duryodhan said

Karna was happy learning that Duryodhan was not offended by the truth.  A few minuted of silence prevailed and Karna was about to say about his marriage with Draupadi. 

"No...it would insult her....I cannot tell him the truth till I have her permission. I had Kunti Mata's permission to tell Duryodhan about my birth, but I do not have Draupadi's permission to tell him about our marriage,"

"What happened...friend...I mean...brother Karn?" Duryodhan questioned Karna

"uh...nothing....just shocked and surprised that you are not angry at me..." Karna said

"I hate the Pandavas because no one in the Palace gave importance to me. They were thinking of kill me when I was born. But you gave me the whole Aaryavrat, you gave me the reason to live....you gave me respect, which I had craved for long..." Duryodhan cried

"Everyone praised the Pandavas just because they are Deva's children. I was born during a stormy night and people began telling Maharaj Dridhrashtr that I was born for destruction and that I should be killed. Even that Krishna was born during a stormy night, but is considered as God. Only Mamashree Shakuni considered that I have the ability to rule Hastinapur, and then, you told me that I have the ability to rule....." Duryodhan said 

"Your short- temper..." Karna was cut in between

"Flew away because of my little daughter, Lakshmanaa. She starts crying if I even raise my voice.....I learnt to control my anger....My ego is not reduced yet...." Duryodhan said 

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