Over a Cup of Tea 🍵

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"Hey, we reached", Arjun mumbled softly as he was dumbstruck at the girl who was sitting beside him in the passenger seat, oblivious to her surroundings, being lost in her thoughts.

Thanks to the traffic of Delhi and heavy downpours, the half an hour journey was delayed by another forty-five minutes. It was fifteen minutes to seven and on a hot summer day, Arjun and Neha would have greeted a beautiful dusk but today, the things were completely different.

The symphony of pitter-patter of rain was ringing in his ears as it was still raining quite heavily but Neha seemed to be zoned out. Arjun contemplated if he should tap on her shoulder to bring her out of reverie or not. The car was parked in front of the Signature Apartments and Neha had to leave.

"What is bothering her that she has her eyes glued at the window pane and she cannot realize that she has reached home?" He wondered as he tapped on her shoulder with his callous fingers and she turned to him shocked.

"What are you dreaming about, lady?" He asked while she had embarrassing expressions on her face.

Neha was lost in the memories of the harsh comments of her parents along with her childhood days where she and Piya had to hog off in the kitchen to do most of the household chores after school not just to help their mother but to learn the management skills after all, they were just supposed to be trained to become good housewives. Neha was tired of crying but her eyes had turned gloomy like always, and the credit of her miseries went to Arjun who had brought the topic of her home after a happy day.

"Nothing, sir, I mean, Arjun", answered Neha as she opened the door and Arjun smiled at the progress mentally thanking the incessant rains to bring her on informal terms with him.

Before she could step out, Neha mumbled, "Thank you for the help", with a sweet smile and Arjun passed her, his umbrella though, he could make out that her eyes lacked their charm but it seemed fruitless to ask right now.

It was then Neha realized that like a sensible human being, she should invite him inside atleast. She felt guilty for being so self-centered for a moment that she didn't even ask him for a cup of coffee as a token if gratitude.

"How about a coffee?" She asked and Arjun was thrilled at the invitation.

"Would you mind preparing a cup of tea?" Arjun countered with a question. He was thrilled that Neha was inviting him inside not because he wanted to spend some more time with her but because he wanted to make her sour mood sweet again.

"No", she mumbled swaying her head sideways just like a cute kid when Arjun asked her to close the doors. Entering inside the housing society, he drove towards the parking lot and then they both walked towards Neha's apartment.

Arjun's heart was thumping loudly as he could contain the excitement of going inside Neha's home while Neha had turned crimson as she could sense the butterflies dancing in her stomach. Very few people came at her place and she was glad that Arjun was added to list too.

As soon as the doors of the lift opened, they were greeted with a middle-aged man who licked his lips looking at Neha while he walked out. She hugged her bag tightly to herself trying to prevent his gaze as she entered inside the lift.

Arjun was shocked at the audacity of the indecent man and he glared at him till the point, that perverted human stopped his eyes to leer upon Neha.

Though this encounter was instantaneous, yet, it was quite assuring for Neha. No words were spoken but while they were inside the lift and Neha pressed the buttons for reaching at the fifth floor, Arjun felt guilty of eyeing Neha inappropriately inside his car especially when she trusted him.

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