The Rahul Fiasco 😔

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Amidst the flamboyant hues, soothing music and refreshing aroma, Neha was awestruck at the vibrant food festival held at the luxurious resort. As the strong aroma of scrumptious meals hit his nose, Arjun felt lively. They were enjoying to their fullest, relishing the delicious food items. This food festival was indeed, the much-needed escapade from their hectic schedule.

Filling their tummies upto the brim, they headed towards the dessert section, when Neha suddenly bumped into someone. Without even looking at the person, she sensibly apologized, "I am sorry", out of courtesy.

"O! You need to be, Neha, especially after whatever you did to me". She heard a familiar voice and her heart sank. She stood still, zoned out with her eyes closed, trying to avoid the unpleasant memories that clouded her mind to ruin her day.

Arjun, on the other hand, stood in his tracks, trying to assess the situation. The possessive man inside him wanted to drag Neha away from the creepy stranger who seemed to know his girl but his brain advised him, "Don't judge without knowing the whole situation".

"Rahul", mumbled Neha as her voice quivered. Her face had lost its colour because she hated the guts of the man who had audacity to talk with her after ruining her image and respect in the society.

"Hello", greeted Rahul smirking at her. In reality, he was angry to see her enjoying her life with a handsome man. He was envious to see her glowing in happiness, while he was struggling in a troubled marriage.

"Excuse me". Neha tried to walk away, while Rahul crossed his limits and held her hand, mumbling, "Wait", with an intention to create misunderstandings in her life. He hated to see her happy with a guy.

"Dude, leave her hand", Arjun ordered, pulling Neha close to himself, freeing her hand while she looked at him with hopeful eyes, wanting him to protect her. Her happy face had now turned pale and her eyes were filled with tears ready to fall down.

"Who are you? O! You are her new flavour, right. Nice to meet you." Rahul muttered disgustingly, remembering the humiliation he had faced in his immediate family because of Neha. Despite, he had sought his revenge yet, he was not sated yet. He humiliated her, assassinating her character once again and she cried at her fate.

"What would Arjun think of you, Neha?" Her soul asked, wanting to kill Rahul was turning her life upside down but her heart comforted her, "He will understand".

"Rahul, stop it", she hiccupped while Arjun was enraged. Arjun was always taught to respect woman and never in his life, had he seen someone disrespecting a woman like Rahul had insulted Neha, his girlfriend. He decided to not let go off this matter lightly.

"You didn't tell him about me, Neha!" Rahul cryptically exclaimed in a creepy voice. His eyes roamed on Neha, as he enjoyed the discomfort and trauma on her face.

"Dude, what's your problem? Can't you see that she is not interested to talk to you?" Arjun objected, standing between Neha and Rahul, trying to protect Neha from his lecherous gaze. He was keeping his calm just because he was in a public place otherwise, he wanted to beat the hell out of Rahul for disrespecting his woman.

Rahul ignored Arjun underestimating his strength which was masked by calmness and chivalry. Incredulously, Rahul crossed all the limits when he chuckled, "Neha, does he satisfies you?", indirectly labelling her as a 'characterless woman'. Neha wept, attracting attention of the people around her, feeling humiliated.

This was it, though. Enraged, Arjun gritted his teeth and punched Rahul, right on his nose, attracting the attention of more people in the vicinity. One punch followed the another and Rahul yelped in pain. Two punches were enough for Rahul to realize his mistake.

Some onlookers took out their phones to record while other bystanders looked at the two men curiously. Neha, on the other hand, had tears trickling down her face. She was too zoned out to react. She was glad that Arjun stood for her but her heart feared about Arjun's reaction when she would tell about Rahul. She could not hide things from him, not anymore!

Rahul tried to retaliate when Arjun's military training came handy and he thrashed him badly. The security personnel rushed towards the two fighting men when Arjun yelled, "How dare you touch my fiancée inappropriately?"

Looking at a woman weeping badly, the bystanders and security managers made a quick judgement in their minds. Rahul was a harasser while the timid, weeping Neha was the victim in the eyes of the onlookers. Arjun was indeed, the hero for everyone!

The security guards held Rahul with his collar and yelled, "How dare you misbehave with a woman?", not even caring to give him a handkerchief to clean the blood from his bleeding nose. He did not even deserve any sympathy, though.

Rahul still had the audacity to mumble, "You don't know who I am". He belonged to an influential family of jewellers but he had no right to insult a woman.

"You are a jerk and we deal with many like you, everyday. All we need is a formal complaint." The security guards mumbled while the manager decided to call the police.

"I am sorry. Please don't the involve police." Rahul pleaded. Involvement of police shall bring insult to his family and his business, especially when it was a matter about Neha. Rahul begged to not involve the police sitting on his ground but Arjun was not ready to back off.

Neha was glad that Arjun stood for her instead of judging her but in no case could she file a formal complaint. She was afraid if the matter leaked to her family. She did not want to jeopardize her relationship with Arjun because of Rahul or her family. She knew that her family would not approve of Arjun and she did not want any problems in her life. Leaving no room for any argument, she glanced at Rahul and muttered, "Don't repeat it with anyone, ever again".

"We are really sorry, sir. Ma'am, are you okay?", enquired the general manager of the resort. He had rushed to the spot after he got to know about the chaos. As much as he despised the man who had made the woman uncomfortable, he did not want the arrival od police at the food festival. He did not want the event or his resort to be highlighted in the media for wrong reasons.

Neha hiccupped and nodded when Arjun wrapped his arm around her shoulder and coaxed her, "Sh.. It's okay".

It was hard for her to not cry especially when so many eyes were at her. Arjun was angry at her too. He could not understand why Neha was so weak that she cried instead of retaliating against Rahul when he insulted her. He was angry at her for not standing up for herself. Arjun was furious that she had let Rahul go instead of filing a complaint and throwing him behind the bars for his misbehaviour. Yet, Arjun knew that she needed him. Rubbing her shoulder, he whispered, "It's fine, Sneha".

"I need to use the washroom", she muttered, and he nodded. She walked away with a thudding heart. She did not know how to face Arjun after the chaos Rahul had created in her life.

"A small gift hamper for you to compensate the inconvenience", muttered the general manager to Arjun, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"It's not needed", Arjun replied. He was confused and annoyed at Neha.

"Sir, please", insisted the manager and Arjun agreed, not wanting any kind of conversation. His peaceful evening was ruined.

"Thanks", Arjun mumbled, as he collected the hamper. He had thousands of questions running in his mind. His brain wanted him to confront Neha while his heart suggested him to just be there to support her, waiting for her to open up.

Neha came out of the washroom. Her face was dull and her eyes had lost their charm. Arjun hated to see her so broken and tired. "I wanted to go home", she mumbled, dreading Arjun's reaction. Arjun nodded and they walked towards their car.

Disheartened, Arjun had realized that Neha loved him infinitely, but mere love was not enough to sustain their relationship. He wanted Neha to not just be happy but also to stand up for herself. He hated to see her cry and today, he was disappointed that she had chosen to get humiliated from Rahul. More than everything, he despised that Arjun loved Neha yet, he knew nothing about her.


Hello everyone

I had my exams. I had to submit my synopsis and I also had to shift back to my hometown. It was a tedious process and December had been hectic yet, peaceful to me.☺️

Well! Good news is, I think I will be able to update this story weekly from January.✨️

P.S i am really sorry to keep everyone waiting. Thank you for keeping up with my incosistent updates.
As far as Neha and Arjun are concerned, I feel, life is much more than Rainbows and Unicorns. 😖

Neha is too timid for Arjun's liking. 😑

Rahul has been a sick man and he deserved to get jailed but let's go through, Neha's perspective in the upcoming chapters!!!🤔

With immense love, I sign off to be back soon, I promise! 💙

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