26. Moving on

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I reviewed the last gene sequence to finish up my report. It was the last IVF case to be reviewed for the day, and I couldn't be more relieved. Genetic testing was too complex of a procedure to perform on a Monday morning, especially after finding out that I could potentially have a niece or nephew.

I messaged my templates and replayed the last few days in my mind. It was all I could think about. My father's revelation left me with more questions than I had before. I tried to refine my memories on whether Torvi had a boyfriend at that time. Surely she would have told me, even if I wasn't around much.

Torvi had never shown interest in any of the guys from our school. I figured she was cautious cause of dad and the people of the church. I remember exploring the idea that she might not even be interested in the male gender, that is until twilight came along and the fascination on Edward Cullen began.

Her room was a blood bath. Literally, it was covered with pictures of her one and only crush, with canines popping and all, which would have possibly scared any guy who dared to step foot in her room.

After what happened with Ben, I swore I wouldn't speak of her again, let alone speak to her. Yet here I am, a few years later eager to know the truth.

"You look exhausted".

I glanced up and saw Clark leaning against the door frame in his perfect tailored suit, as per usual. He was definitely an eye catcher, and I couldn't help the sensation that crawled up my legs every time I caught a quick glimpse of him.

"Its been a long day. We're to schedule another 10 IVF treatments next week, if all goes well".

His smile turned to one which portrayed the accomplishment we've done so far. I was beyond proud and lucky to be part of his team.

"What you're doing for these women Clark, it's amazing, offering them a once in a lifetime opportunity to achieve what they truly want".

"And what about you? What do you truly want?".

I knew his question had nothing to do with the topic I had just brought up. It had a deeper meaning. And I couldn't fully give him the answer he desired.

"Listen Clark", I began with a sigh. "I know you must think that I'm leading you on, with going MIA and all that. It's just ..", I paused. How was I to put into words that in just a couple of days, I had slept with my ex, moved back in with my parents and found out  that my sister could have potentially had a baby.

"Complicated", he said, finishing off my sentence.

"Yeah", I replied.

I could see the disappointment in his eyes. That's when I realized that I was so absorbed in my own problems, that I didn't even notice the effect they had on the people around me.

"So what time are you picking me up?", I said catching him off guard.

He looked at me, confused yet amused at the same time.

"I'm lost", he confessed.

"You sister's wedding is this weekend right? That is, if you're still keen on taking me with you."

"You don't have to do this Lisa. I get it. I've been through a divorce before. I know it's not easy, and I know how complicated things can get."

"I want to Clark. I need to".

He contemplated for a second before saying, "alright, the ceremony starts at 8 in the evening, I'll pick you up at 7?

"Great. I'll text you the new address".

The smirk on his face didn't go unnoticed. At least now he would'nt be able to worry about any interference from Ben.

It suddenly dawned on me that I didn't know much about Clark. I didn't even know he was married. And yet, he knew almost everything about me and my divorce.

"You should go home for today. You've worked quite a few cases, besides, Raoul is already outside.

I still found it quite comical that I had my own personal chauffeur.

"Unless, you'd rather have me take you home", he added.

"I prefer the latter", I said trying to keep a straight face.


I quickly gathered my things and made my way to the car park. To no surprise, Clark met me half way, ensuring I never left the building alone.

"I've been meaning to ask you, do we have access to childbirth databases of the city, and places near by?".

"Why would we need that?", he said as he slid into the driver's seat.

Play it cool

"I was thinking of expanding the current research on genetic disorders not only for IVF children, but on the entire newborn population". I paused before saying, "maybe we could get another publication".

Maybe that wasn't entirely the truth of why I needed that database, but it wasn't a lie either. I could see Clark stroking his beard. The silence became unbearable.

"I guess I could get a hold of the statistics if I pull some strings. Won't be easy though".

"I'd really appreciate it", I replied.

I stared at the cars passing by from the side mirror. My fingers started fidgeting, with my mind set on getting to know Clark better.

"So", I started. "You never mentioned that you were married."

He adjusted his seat before saying, "It's not exactly public information. Besides, it was a long time ago. No one knew who I was back then", he said as he focused on the road.

It clearly wasn't, otherwise everyone in the office would have heard about it. Clark Reed had the most established private hospitals in the city, everybody knew him or at the very least heard of him.

"What happened?". I knew that my questions were blunt, but I was probing for straight-to-the-point answers.

He let out a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel a little harder.

"Things just didn't work out". He said calmly.

Not good enough Clark.

"Why didn't it work out?", I continued.

I saw him contemplating his next words, like a baby trying to form a sentence.

"I didn't want to bring this up now. But you're quite persistent", he said as he glanced in my direction.

I remained silent signaling for him to go on.

"We were only married for two years. I was 25 at the time. She had big dreams, ones which she wished for from a very young age. She wanted a big house, a family, kids and a successful career."

"Isn't that what everybody wants"?, I wanted to say, but I didn't. Instead, I let him on go on.

"I gave her everything, anything she asked for just to make her happy. But I couldn't give her the one thing she craved the most".

After several changes in his face expression, he finally settled on one: sadness.



I know, I know, it's been a long time.
But here's the chapter you've all been asking for.

Stay tuned for the next chapters for further revelations ♥️

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