28. The Truth (Part 2)

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I had imagined all the possible ways that this conversation, or rather, confrontation would go. Most of them involved me latching on to her hair with a screaming contest going on in the process. The rest of them involved me knocking her out and leaving without any answers.

I had so many questions, questions which had accumulated over the years into one fundemental question. Why? Why break a family, a marriage .. what possible reason could there be for one to destroy their own life .. and run away without picking up the pieces.

I was no saint, but not even sinners deserved what she did to me. And for what?

I was about to find out.

"Is the coffee ok"?

"It's fine", I said bluntly.

"Alrighty then", said the mysterious man who was living, or co-habiting or whoever the f*** knows with my sister.

"Who the hell are you?", I questioned as I glanced in his direction.

"I'm Romeo, Torvi's roomate. We've —

"Maybe you should go upstairs Rom", my sister interrupted. "And take Mason with you".

"Sure thing". And with that, he waved and left with an awkward smile on his face. I glanced once more at the little human standing near his feet. A gut wrenching feeling filled my stomach. I wasn't prepared for this.

"It's ok, you don't have to drink that. I know Rom's coffee isn't the best". She began fidgeting with her mug, constantly rotating its position. She also made sure to avoid my eyes.

"He took a barista course online and suddenly thinks he's the next hot shot coffee maker". He chuckled nervously. "I've been trying to tell him subtly but he just gets so-

"I didn't come here to talk about coffee or your boy toy".

Her eyes widened. "He's not .. we're just roommates. I can't possibly afford this place alone. Ella and Maya live here too, but they're at work at the moment. We're all just trying to help each other out".

"I really couldn't give a damn Torvi".

I saw her face drop slightly, but that didn't hold me back.

"Look, I'm only here because mom and dad mentioned you were pregnant, and thats why they kicked you out". I started.

"I came here because I wanted to know if it was true ... and to ask you if Ben was the father".

I giggled at the stupidity of the situation. "But now that I'm here, I just realized that I don't need any answers from you".

I stood up and straightened my coat. "You ruined my past, I won't let you ruin my future".

And with that, I made my way towards to door.

"Wait", I heard a cry behind me, but I didn't look back.

"Ben's not the father", she yelled.

"And why should I believe anything that comes out of your mouth huh?, I said as I faced her.

That's when I really took her in. Her bun was now all over the place, I hadn't realised she had been been fiddling with her hair too. The dark circles under her eyes were unmasked, and so was her vulnerability.

"Because — because", she said in between sobs, "I was already pregnant when I slept with Ben".

I scoffed and stepped away from her. "You're disgusting". I chose my next words carefully.
"You ruined my marriage. Do you have any idea what I've been through?".

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