12. When the past catches up

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Today was going to be a good day.

The sky was blue, the house was clean, all my bills had been paid, Lisa's nightmares were ceasing, and the local grocery store finally stocked up on strawberries, Lisa's favourite. So here I am, in my kitchen which hasn't been used in months, trying to make a strawberry meringue.

Granted, I wasn't the best in the kitchen and neither did I claim to be, but I knew how to make her favourite dishes. I made that a priority before we got married. Little did I know what was to ensue back then.

"You made it", I greeted opening the door wide enough to let Lisa and Ashley to pass through.

"Yeah, we can't stay long though", Lisa replied, whilst biting on her lip.

God, she looked way too good. I guessed it was Ashley's choice of clothing. Lisa would never own anything which showcased her breasts like that. That dress made her look like the rest of these bimbo chicks at my party, and yet, she was the only one that caught my eye.

"Well", Ashley said disrupting me from my dirty thoughts, "a drink would be nice".

"Yeah sure, follow me". With that I lead them through crowds of people and into the kitchen area.

"Vodka? "I asked, glancing at Ashley "and red bull?", I said quickly diverting my gaze to Lisa.

I could see Ashley rolling her eyes, but I kept my attention on Lisa. "Two Jager bombs would be great", I heard Ashley say.

I furrowed my eyes and kept my gaze on Lisa. "You sure?" I asked making sure the delivery of my question was aimed at Lisa.

"Yes", she replied politely.

"Alright then". I felt like a barman serving drinks to underage girls. Didn't take long for Ashley to down her first of many drinks. Lisa on the other hand was struggling to even take a sip.

Luckily, it wasn't long before Ashley met up with some guy 'friends' who were also at my party. Soon enough, she was so caught up in her flirty conversations, and isolated Lisa completely.

"You don't have to drink that if you don't want to", I intervened, directing her towards a quieter place in the kitchen.

"I know", she began. "I'm drinking cause I want to".

I crossed my arms and leaned back on the counter. "Alright", I smirked. "Then why don't you down it? It's a shot glass after all".

Uncertainty was plastered on her face. She had it coming. I wasn't trying to be malicious, just trying to prove a point.

Before I knew it, she had gulped down most of the liquid, before regurgitating it in the kitchen sink.

"Ah shit, I didn't think you'd actually do it", I said as I pulled her hair aside and passed her a napkin.

"Thanks", she said as she wiped down her dress.

"You're a good girl Lisa", I sighed. "Don't let her suck you into this shitty life".

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