A Star In the Night Sky

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how poetic of a title



-x- Deku's POV -x-

A lump formed in my throat as the voice spoke, tears wetting my cheeks.

I knew that the voice was me, but it was as if I was a completely different person, watching a movie of somebody else's experiences. I was enveloped in a shadowy room, with nothing but a screen, or even window, gleaming through the darkness.

My body was speaking, even moving, but I couldn't do anything. It was like I was chained to a chair, my eyes unable to see anything but whatever others were doing.

On the other side, I knew that All Might and I were speaking, and I could see every second that he was filling with sorrow and anger. My attempt to break free before was futile-I was unable to get through to him in time. I just wasn't strong enough.

A few times before I had broken through-just enough to make a decision. Squeezing my eyes shut, I thought back to the moments with Muscular and Kota, when I forced myself to act kinder to those around me, whatever I needed to do.

But now I couldn't.

The entity that seemed to be controlling me was growing stronger by the minute-while I seemed to be slowly dying.

I saw as I choked up blood, a sharp pain hitting me like a blow to the chest each time it happened. I even began to disappear.

Gazing down at my hands, I watched as the skin became translucent. It had been happening for a while-and was getting worse little by little. It seemed that it was the strongest, though, when a blinding green light showed on the screen, my body fading away each time it happened. At first, it was just enough to make my skin glow a bit, but now I could see through myself. It was unsettling.

Turning my attention towards the screen, I listened as He talked to All Might, noticing that, for some reason, my body was crying. Maybe it's because of me? I thought before tuning back in.

All Might furrowed his brows, confused by the previous statement. "Yes but... We've gotten past that, haven't we?"

"I never forgot," He responded to All Might's question, "Just ignored it. Or, I tried." His eyes turned towards His lap. I watched as He gazed into His clenched hands, gripping tightly on the cloth of His pants.

As another coughing fit began, I began to feel nauseous, a horrible pain shooting through me. Though, as soon as the pain subsided, I began to listen again, His voice raising with each word.

"But the thoughts kept coming back. And I didn't enjoy having to think to myself every day, 'Do I deserve this?' or 'Should I even be alive?'"

I bit the inside of my cheek as He uttered those words. Each word he was saying was true.

The screen became dark, signifying He had closed his eyes. "Then... Then the League came along." His eyes opened once again, focusing in on All Might. "I... I really didn't want to join them at first... But they kept talking." As He talked, I noticed that he was speaking with a sort of disappointment. As if, maybe, He was feeling my own guilt. "I was faced with a choice. And you know what All Might?" He spat, His eyes shooting daggers at All Might. "I don't regret my decision one bit."

My throat went dry with His last line. It wasn't true at all. I never would've wished to have done something so horrible. Yet... He wasn't wrong about the rest. I did feel insecure. I did feel unworthy. I couldn't help it.

Unconsciously, I reached my hand towards the screen, pulling back when I saw it in front of me. I just wanted to be in control again. Apologize to everyone for everything I'd done.

Then, the thought hit me. What if nobody ever forgives me?

I attempted to brush off the thought. They'd understand. They're my friends. But, it didn't help much. He had already lied to them so much-would they even believe me if I said anything?

I felt sorrow overtake me as the thoughts entered my mind. Tears pricked my eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. I felt hopeless. Useless.

"Midoriya," my eyes snapped up to the big screen, "I'm sorry."


My counterpart looked up, likely as confused as I was. "What?"

All Might's eyes pierced into Him, causing my heart to lurch-wishing, hoping to be set free from the cage I was in.

He gave a kind smile, tilting his head slightly. "I'm sorry, Midoriya." His smile became sad. "I should've been there for you. I thought you'd be fine on your own," he admitted, "I realize now that I should've assured you more."

A lump once again formed in my throat. "All Might," I whispered, my voice shaky.

Anger began to bubble up inside me. As did sadness. Joy. Every emotion humanly possible.

I began to scream until my throat was raw, as if it would help me break free from my mental prison. And, when I couldn't yell on any longer, I pounded on invisible walls, willing myself to gain control.

"All Might!" I yelled from the depths of my soul, finding myself fading faster with every moment. "Please," I begged, not wanting to leave.

At a moment when all hope was lost, I screamed, I cried, I wished to appear in my own body once again.

Blackness surrounded me as I became frantic, searching for a way to escape.

But it seemed it was too late.


I found myself floating in a dark void. My eyes slowly opened to the scene, a burning sensation overcoming them as they did so. I found it hard to breathe as well, almost as if I were in water.

I looked up, only to see a blinding light far above. My hair swished as I turned, green locks surrounding my vision.

A strange feeling overcame me, a tingling sensation flowing through my body. Without a second thought, I held my breath and began to swim to the light.

As I swam, the light began to fade, as did my wisps of hair. Darkness began to creep into the corners of my vision, signifying to me that I was dying.

I began to pump my limbs faster, blackness filling my vision with each growing second. The only thing keeping my going was the glowing light-a star in the night sky.

I came up to the other side, sucking in and gasping for air.

Above the dark water, I felt my vision begin to return, my lungs burning from the lack of air. But, even though my head felt dizzy, I was okay.

Scanning my surroundings, I spotted a small island not too far away. Also coming from it was the strange light I had seen. My attention was switched immediately to the light, and it seemed as if I couldn't control myself.

Soon, I was mere inches away from the strange glowing object. It lured me in, begging for me to come closer. A warmness blanketed over me as I walked towards it, unable to control my own legs.

My hand reached out, yearning to touch the light. As my fingers brushed it, brightness exploded around me, entirely filling my vision. Though, I felt no fear as it happened-I was nothing but content.



This is a bit of a shorter chapter, or at least compared to my others, but I hope it's okay :p


It's not one of the best I've written, so there's a chance I'll come back to it later.

(^^ no i wont)

Also, sorry for the constant switching of POVs, but I think it's better if you know another character's thoughts about Deku :P

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