It's Your Power

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i actually remember being specifically excited for this little thing when i wrote this story, so thats nice, at least


-x- Todoroki's POV -x-

The villain's voice sliced through the air, causing each of us to fall silent.

As I glanced to the side, I saw Midoriya being restrained by Iida, each of them quiet. Suddenly, however, Midoriya shoved him away, falling to the ground as he clutched onto his head.

Looking up with a pained expression, he said through gritted teeth, "Get. Away. From. Me."

"Dude, are you okay?" Kirishima began to walk towards him, but I held him back.

He looked over at me, and I simply shook my head. It's happening again.

Midoriya began to scream at the sky, writhing in agony as his head bobbed back and forth. Tears formed in his eyes, each of my comrades looking on with frightened expressions.

"What's going on with Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu asked breathlessly.

"Stay back!" I barked, surprising each of them. "It's that man over there. I'm sure of it."

Iida connected eyes with me. "What do you mean? What is he doing to Midoriya?"

As I opened my lips to answer, Midoriya suddenly stopped thrashing, sending off hundreds of warning signals.

"We need to move back, now!" I shouted, pushing everyone away.

"Midoriya," Kirishima said, "Are you alright?"


And then laughter.

Midoriya erupted into a fit of giggles as he stared up at us, tears in his eyes. His eyes screamed for help as he stepped forwards, yet we were unable to do anything.

"Guess who's back?" he asked rhetorically, a crazed look in his glowing green eyes.

Without a moment's notice, debris floated through the air as his fist connected with the wall, blowing a giant hole in the concrete.

"Izuku Midoriya," the boss villain addressed him, "Glad to have you back."
Midoriya simply smirked at the comment, finding his place next to the man.

My ears perked up as I heard something whizzing through the air-clearly carrying a lot of wait. For some reason, the villain quickly picked Midoriya up by the throat, the boy's feet dangling in the air. Tears began to stream down his face as he struggled, and realization struck me.

They're trying to fool All Might.

A loud crash reverberated through the air as the giant of a man plummeted to the ground, quickly rising up to meet the villain. "All For One," he spat. Must be the villain's name.

His eyes quickly widened at the sight of Midoriya, concern present on his face. "Midoriya? Why are you here? What are you-"

All For One chuckled. "Well, it's not like I need him anymore."

The man began to choke Midoriya, gurgles coming from his throat as he clawed at the man's hand.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" All Might ordered, his voice booming. He's definitely serious.

All For One simply shrugged. "Of course, All Might."

Midoriya's limp body was sent flying through the air, coming to a rolling stop in a pile of rubble.

All Might's voice dripped with concern as he shouted, "Young Midoriya!"

The man sped over to the boy, barely visible as he was moving. He clutched Midoriya in his arms, who was seemingly knocked out cold. He even had blood coming from a gash on his forehead.

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