Distrust - P2

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literally dont know why i didnt just smash this and the prior chapter together, itd only be like 2k words


As left the subway, city sounds instantly filled my eardrums. The area was crowded, glowing buildings lining the streets. "So this is Camino Ward."

"It's so crowded," Todoroki said.

"Those villains are hiding somewhere in this city," Kirishima shouted, sprinting forwards "Just tell me where to go!"

"Wait a second!" Momo yelled after him, as if she was a parent yelling after her child. "From now on, we're going to need to be extremely careful. These criminals already know what we look like, remember? We have to consider that we could be attacked at any moment!"

"Yeah, you're right! Stealth mode!" I said, forming my arms into an 'X'.

"You're standing out even more Midoriya," Todoroki pointed out, heat rising to my cheeks.

Iida spared me from more humiliation. "We won't be able to scout effectively if we're recognizable."

Kirishima scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah... Okay, so what should we do?"

Pointing to a shop, Momo said, "I have an idea, though it is a bit old school."

Shrugging, each of us entered the shop, trying on different costumes until we found decent ones.

Walking out of the shop, I decided to be a bit goofy and stick to my clothes' character. "Watch it you punks! Get lost!"

"That's all wrong, you gotta stick your chin out more!" Kirishima suggested.

Staying in character, I shouted, "Ya talking to me?!"

"That's it!"

"We're just a few scoundrels cruising for hot girls!" Iida yelled somewhat intensely.

Kirishima stuck his thumb out. "Close enough!"

"Great disguises," Yaoyorozu smiled, clearly excited. "We'd stand out in this district dressed like kids."

"Yaoyorozu," Todoroki said bluntly, "Couldn't you have used your quirk for this to save money?"

"Well technically, but that's against the rules!" she protested, a blush staining her cheeks, "If I started making everything, think of the impact on the economy! We must ensure the flow of commerce!" She began to become more pumped up. "That's right-it's our civic duty! As citizens!"

Todoroki remained still. "Sure..."

After a bit of walking, Momo said, "Everyone, our destination is this way."

"Woah, it's U.A. High!" someone exclaimed, causing each of us to stiffen.

Spinning on my heels, I was prepared to see someone who happened to recognize us, frightened by the possibility of an encounter. However, my ears perked up and my attention turned to a large screen plastered across a few buildings, showcasing the news. Pictured there was Nezu, Eraserhead, and Vlad King, bowed down towards the camera.

"Let's return to a short clip from the U.A. Highschool press conference that just wrapped up," a news reporter said.

Curious as to what was going on, we pushed our way through the crowd in order to get a better angle on the screen.

"Mr Aizawa..." I said, followed by Yaoyorozu's words.

"Vlad King and the principal!"

"We are here. To apologize," Aizawa said, "A recent incident allowed harm to come to 27 first year heroes. And we staff were ill-prepared. We take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence. It's our duty to train heroes, but also to protect heroes in training," he finished off, the 3 of them bowing.

"This is crazy," Kirishima pointed out, "He hates being on TV!"

"I'll take the first question. Since the beginning of the year, U.A. students have had 4 encounters with villains. This time there were students who were gravely injured. How did you explain this to their families? And what are some of the steps you're taking to ensure their safety in the future?" a man asked.

My fist curled into a ball, clenched in anger. The media should know what U.A.'s basic position is since they didn't cancel the sports festival. They just want them to look bad.

"They're treating them like... Villains," I whispered breathlessly.

Nezu spoke up. "We will increase patrols around the school grounds, and review security measures in the school. The safety of our students is the main priority-make no mistake about it."

Tension rose in the air, and civilians began to speak ill of U.A.

"What are these dudes thinking?"

"They're going to get those kids killed."

"Increased patrols? Gimme a break."

"What about the rest of us?"

Murmurs surrounded us, fueled by disappointment and anger. You could feel the mood changing in the air. People were turning against us.



Okay, so I'm now realizing I probably could've added this part onto the last chapter. Too late now, though. Whoops! (i EVEN POINT IT OUT GOD)

Anyways, this is part 2 of chapter 15, the last one being part 1.

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