Chapter 7 " Baileys property"

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" So you and flash, huh?" Neveah asks with a stupid smile as we walk into our yard, I shake my head biting my lip trying to hold back the stupid smile trying to form on my face.

After flash stopped trying to kill bailey we decided to do our senior parking spot.

We made our hand prints with paint on each of ours.

It was pretty fun. Even though I got covered in paint by the two idiots that can't get along for two seconds.

Neveah took a picture and I posted it on my Instagram it was amazing!

Then bailey drove me and Neveah home while flash said he had to wait for the new people to leave the field before he could leave.

I felt bad but he kissed me and told me he would be fine.

I think I kinda melted right there,  Neveah had to drag me out of the parking lot.

" I don't know.. I like him I just don't know why he would stick up for me? Mostly since he acted like he hated me when I first saw him.." I say in liking the door with my key and Nevaeh follows behind me and we take off our shoes by the door.

Bailey beeps his horn twice and yells 'bye bitches' and I wave at him through the window and he smirks as he drives away.

Neveah just nods her head and walks towards the kitchen.

" I'm gonna call for Chinese you want chicken fried rice?" She asks and I nod.

" yes that sounds amazing." I say and walk towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle out of the fridge.

" Well it's obvious he likes you, and Nina Elizabeth and you like him too so, give him some ass." Neveah says and wiggles her eyebrows while grabbing the house phone off it's station and grabbing the Chinese food place number off the fridge.

" you think he's gonna take me on a date?" I ask and she looks up and then looks behind me.

" date?" My moms voice says from the doorway of the kitchen.

I thought she was working until early, of course she gets off early on the day I'm talking about a boy.

" Good luck soldier I'll be watching Jennifer's body!" She says fanning her face.

" what about Chinese?" I yell out and she holds the phone up.

" I'm calling from my room don't worry!" She yells back and runs up the stairs.

I wince when I hear my moms footsteps coming towards the kitchen

" Dianna, covered my shift so I could come home and see you guys after your first day. So.. what date?" She asks and I smile and look away covering my face.

" oh come on! I can be cool! Tell me. I wanna know." She says and sits on the bar stool next to me and I giggle and finally face her.

I miss this. I missed my mom.

" So what's his.. or her name?" She says and looks up at me

I have to stop myself from smiling once again, My mom is so considerate of Nevaeh and me it's so sweet to me.

She's the best mom ever.

" It's a him. And his name is flash.." I say and look down at the table hiding my most likely red coded cheeks

" Flash. hmm. when do I get to meet this flash?" She asks and tilts her head at me

" I don't know.. we just started talking and he kissed me." I say and her eyes widen and she stands up from the bar stool and walks towards the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

UNTIL HIM ( book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें