Chapter 18 " All a lie."

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Just a warning all of the Spanish I'm using is from this translation app, and it could totally not be correct. Also this chapter is very violet.

Flash's POV

After seeing the fear on ninas face I can't hold back. I just take out all my fucking anger out on this peace of shit.

Mostly since I know he's the one who proved me right. He showed me that I can't have her. Not with my life. She doesn't deserve to not feel safe in her own home. Let alone on her birthday.

So after I take care of him I'm getting out of this fucking town. And moving as far as possible.

" who the fuck do you think you are? Going after her? Huh?" I question slapping his face a couple times to wake him up.

He keeps passing out, but I'm not even close to being done yet.

While Rocco aka bitch boy takes in his surroundings.

Only to find me standing in front of him holding my knife and Ace standing at the door. I know that because there is a mirror behind him. Just to make sure the bastard doesn't cut the ropes.

Of course I gave in when Ace wanted to help. Me and him are the main ones in this stupid business coach owns.

That's why I'm so close to coach, Coach's real name is Danilo. I'm not gonna lie, that's what had me in a bad mood in the beggining of the school year, because I knew it was the only choice I had to matter.

It's good money, and if coach ends up giving me this business i can make even more.

I've ruined everything I had. My mom died because of me. I can't hurt Nina too. I have to let her go. And this mother fucker is gonna be my punching bag for it.

" Ah, Thom-" I quickly slam the knife into his thigh to stop him from saying my birth name.

It was my dads name. But it's not my name anymore.

My mom changed it for a reason. Aces eyes no doubtably widened.

I breath heavy and yank my blade out. Blood drops cover my face and white dress shirt.

Rocco scream as blood pours from his leg, his lip bleeding from biting it so hard.

I nod my head in approval of my work and walk towards the table to wipe my knife off with a rag.

"Still don't like the name?" He says pain audible in his voice he looks down probably tying to not show weakness.


" The name was never mine to like." I say my teeeth cleaned as I calmly sit a chair in front of him with the rag on the floor next to me, my knife still in my right hand.

" You on the other hand are named after a children show.. what's the name again Ace?" I ask still looking at Rocco

" Elmos world, a friend of mine told me." Ace says and smiles at the memory.

AN:  this person told me this in a comment of the last chapter and I couldn't stop laughing so you are definitely one of aces friends now. O_lrj17

The bloody man In front of me shifts in his chair which makes my eyebrows bunch together. Already loosing feelings in his legs.

This man has lost his touch.

" Tell me, why I shouldn't kill you.. And give me a good reason. Because going after my girl was the biggest mistake you could have ever made." I say and glare at him.

UNTIL HIM ( book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt