Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

Tyler's P.O.V

I just realize how beautiful Skylar is. Way more beautiful than Rebecca. I look up at Skylar and saw her looking at the Moon. Her cheeks were red from the coldness and her eyes sparkle as she watches the Moon. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was literally perfect. She look down and cover her mouth, yawning. I reached for her head and push it towards my shoulder, I lower my hand until it was at her forearm and rubbed it, warming her up. I look down at her face and saw her trying to open her eyes. Soon, she closed her eyes.

"Goodnight." I said as she fell into a deep slumber.

I look back up at the Moon. It was just an ordinary Moon. It's nothing special so, why does Skylar keeps admiring it?

Next Day.

Skylar's P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep. Shit, I forgotten to switch off my alarm. Groaning, I slap a hand on top of my dumb alarm clock. Oh goodie. I can't go back to sleep now. Ugh! I sat up and look at the time. 7.00 a.m. It's still so early! I sigh and got up from my bed and into the shower.

After showering.

I wore a grey shirt underneath my thick, fluffy jacket and a pair of jeans and converse. It was snowing. After wearing a beanie, I took my earphones and plug it in, playing a random song. And with that, I head out to the park.

At the park.

There were a lot of people at the park. I mean who would want to come to a park so early in the morning? Yea, people like me. Because my dumb clock interrupted my beauty sleep. I enter the park and stood underneath a canopy-like-tree. It wasn't covered with snow, though. I lean on the tree and start reading the book.

While I was reading the book, a boy ran towards me and hid behind me, making me jump out of my skin. I closed the book with my bookmark on the page I was reading and turn around to look at the boy.

The boy was amazing. He was really short, maybe 3'2 He had brown hair and green eyes. He was adorable as fuck. He was wearing a black beanie and a brown coat and a white scarf around his neck. He was wearing winter boots.

"Help! He's gonna kill me!" He said and pointed forward.

I look at the direction he was pointing and saw the one and only, Kyle. He was wearing a grey jacket with a white turtle neck underneath it. He wore a pair of black pants with a black belt and a pair of black winter boots. Dayum, he looks ho- Shut the fuck up, Sky. He smiled at me. A real smile that shows his dimples. He waved at me and the walk towards me. I smiled back.

"Hey, Sky. Sorry for this little troll." He joked and took the boy off me.

"You have a brother? You didn't tell me." I said and bent down to the boy's height.

"Nephew." He corrected me.

"What's your name?" I asked his nephew while smiling.

"Carter." He said confidently.

I smiled at him and stood up. I was still holding my book.

"Where're you heading to?" He asked me.

"No where. I got up early and came here since there's nothing to do." I shrug my shoulders.

"Well, wanna grab a cup of hot chocolate?" He asked me and then look down at Carter.

"Yeah!" Carter shouted excitedly.

Kyle chuckled. Gosh, I melted at his chuckle. He carried Carter up and look at me.

"What about you?" He said and kissed Carter's cheek.

"Ewwwwwww! I'm not gay!" Carter slapped his cheek repeatedly.

"Yeah, okay." I said while chuckling.

"Great!" They both said at the same time.

"Now I know where he got the word 'gay' from." I said jokingly.

We started walking out of the park with Carter in Kyle's hands.

"Wait, Carter's your nephew right? That means you have a sister or a brother." I said and look at him.

"Yeah, she doesn't live with us. I had to take care of this little monster." He said with a shrug.

"Hey! I'm not a monster!" Carter exclaimed.

"Sometimes you are." Kyle stuck out his tongue.

I giggled. Surprisingly, Kyle is great with kids.

"Can she carry me?" Carter whispered into Kyle's ear loudly.

"I think she heard you." Kyle whispered loudly.

Carter gasped when he saw me looking at them whispering. I stretch both of my arms.

"Come here." I said with a smile.

Kyle passed Carter to me and I held him in my hands. For a 4 year old, Carter is quite light. Carter hugged me and stayed in that hugging position.

"Carter, you pervert. Get off her already." Kyle said jokingly.

My eyes widen. What the fuck? What did he do to make him a pervert. I felt a small hand on my left breast. Oh, that's why.

"Carter!" Kyle shouted and took Carter off me.

"But you get to do it!" Carter fought back.

I burst out laughing. Did Carter, a 4 year old, really just said that? Carter must have seen Kyle flirting with girls. I laugh more until I was down on the ground.

"Stop it, Sky." He said.

I look up at him and saw him blushing with Carter in his hands, looking confused. I stood back up and dusted myself. Even though Carter embarrassed him, he still carries him in his arms. I raise up my hand and pinched his cold, red cheeks.

"Sky..." He groaned.

"I can't help it you're too cute." I let go of his cheek.

"Yeah, he is." Carter agreed with me and pinched his cheeks.

"I thought you said you weren't gay." Kyle said while raising an eyebrow.

Carter quickly let go of his cheeks and look down, blushing. Soon, we were in front of a small cafe. Kyle puts Carter down and held his hand, walking into the cafe. I've never seen this side of Kyle before, I like it.

The Heartbroken NerdOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant