Chapter 16

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Chapter 16.

I realize I've been hanging out with Tyler a lot. Even more than William and Kyle. I thought Tyler would go to parties but he hangs out with me. Weird, don't you think? It weird that Tyler is hanging out with me. It's weird that I'm not tutoring Tyler anymore. It's weird that he tells me everything. It's weird that Tyler will be here in a minute to go hiking.

The doorbell rang and footsteps instantly reach for the door. Shit, Rebecca answered the door. She's gonna see Tyler's face and they'll be screaming at each other. The whole house w-

"Tyliee! I missed you!" Rebecca squealed.

Okay, that went worst than I expected. Why is it worst? Because Tyler likes someone and Rebecca want to get back with Tyler. Great, just great.

"Rebecca." I heard Tyler said with a boring tone.

I quickly took my phone from the dressing table and rush out of my room. I ran turned to the right, almost tripping on my foot and sprinted towards the staircase. I carefully walk down the stairs, two steps at once and on the last three steps, I jumped off the stairs. I brisk walk toward the living room while panting. Damn, that's one hell of an exercise. Looks like I don't need to go hiking anymore.

I spotted Tyler in front of the door, looking down. He was wearing a thick black jacket and beanie, along with a pair of track-bottom. The thick jacket hugged his chest, making his muscles visible.

"Tyler! I didn't know you'd be here early." I smiled nervously.

He looked down and stuffed his hands in his pocket. Rebecca's head instantly snap to my direction with her mouth slightly open.

"Yea, can't wait to get outta here." He muttered loud enough for Rebecca and me to hear.

Rebecca gasped and turn her head back to Tyler. She place her right had on her hip and cocked her hips sideways.

"Oh, so now you're dating my twin? Fan-fucking-tastic." She said with her voice full of sarcasm.

Tyler's head went back up and her stared at Rebecca with his cold eyes. They weren't as bright as they were before. In fact, they were full of hatred and anger but mostly anger. I felt scared looking at them whilst Rebecca stood there, as if she was the Queen of 'Bitch Land' which she is.

"Yea, I am dating your sister. She's a better person than you. Way better than you, Rebecca. She's the most beautiful, kind-hearted, caring, loving, awesome person I've ever met." He smirked.

Those words made my heart beat faster than Usain Bolt when he's running. Did he really mean those words? That was the first time someone called me those amazing words and it was coming out the Tyler's mouth. Tyler just stood there, proud about his words while Rebecca and I stood there, paralyzed with his words. I close my slightly opened mouth and cleared my throat.

"Tyler, are you ready to go?" I asked, trying to push down the blush that was making it's way up to my cheeks.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He rolled his eyes at Rebecca.


"Tyler! Slow down!" I rested my hands on my knees.

He turn around and chuckled. He lifted his bag higher and walk towards me with a smirk on his face.

"You need to be faster." He bend down to my height.

I glared at him while drops of sweats were running down my face. It wasn't cold, winter was coming to an end and the trees are starting to grow back. Kind of suitable for hiking.

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