Chapter 14

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Chapter 14.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Skylar! Happy birthday to YOU!" The two monkeys sang loudly in front of me.

We we're at a bakery in a mall. They sang so loud that everyone clapped when they finished singing. A group of college students even shouted 'Happy Birthday' to me from the other side of the bakery. The candles in front of me were lit up and placed on top of my cheese, Oreo cake, Kyle picked the cake.

"Well, blow out your candle!" Kyle said excitedly.

William turned to Kyle and raised an eyebrow.

"You just can't wait to eat the cake, can't you?" William smirked.

Kyle was jumping in his seat now. From the look of his face, I can see that he's resisting the urge to stuff his face into the cake.

"It's cake!"Kyle said in a 'duh' tone.

William turned to me and shook his head in disappointment. I chuckled and lean forward towards the cake, blowing the candles.

"Yaaaaaaasss, bitch!" He picked up the fork and started to dig in the cake, even though we haven't cut it yet.

William shrugged his shoulders and picked up his fork, repeating Kyle's action. I smiled at those two monkeys, greedy monkeys. I didn't want to eat yet, I'm waiting for Tyler. He texted me, saying that'll he'll come in an hour but it's been 2 hours and he's still not here. I texted him the address though and I'm sure he knows where it is, like he said.

"Sky, just eat. If he comes, he'll probably buy you another cake." Kyle said to me.

"He said he'd come anytime now." I muttered.

Actually, he didn't say that.

"Sky! Do you think that he cares about your birthday? If he does, he'd probably be here the minute you step a foot into this bakery!" William almost shouted.

I think William didn't like it that I'm waiting for Tyler. William said that I didn't need to waste my time on Tyler. He said that it wasn't worth waiting for Tyler, which is true but I still want Tyler to be there on my birthday. Well, he's probably with his girlfriend, celebrating her birthday. She is his girlfriend after all so, I don't blame him for not celebrating my birthday with me.

"Sky, just eat, you don't want Will to get more angry, do you?" Kyle said, snapping me out from my thoughts.

Kyle, pushed a plate of cake in front of me. I look at the cake and the back up at William. He was looking down at his cake, fiddling it. He was muttering some colorful words under his breath, it wasn't loud enough to hear those words though. Sheesh, he's like a girl on her period.

"Fine, I don't want to make Willy angry." I reach out my hand and took off William's black beanie. 

His hair was dark brown, which suited him very well. He smiled and look up, placing the fork down on the table. I wore the beanie on my head and stuck out my tongue. He ran a hand through his hair and lean back on his chair, chuckling.

"You do know that 'willy' means dick, right?" He chuckled more.

"Well, you are one." I smirked.

Kyle almost chocked on his cake when I said that. Kyle quickly swallowed his cake and patted his chest. Will turn his head to Kyle and raised an eyebrow.

"Need a help hitting your chest?" William threatened.

Kyle turn to side and shook his head joking while laughing.

"I don't need a dick to help me hit my chest." Kyle said, almost out of breath.

"Fucker." William hit Kyle's chest, making a 'thump'sound.

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