~36~ revelation

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It’s my Skype day with them.

Gretchen and Magnus’s faces stare back at me from the computer screen.

She’s dressed in a low-cut cream dress which compliments her just-got-back-from-holiday tan. An intricate gold and emerald necklace adorns her slim, shapely neck. Probably, from her favourite jeweller’s — BVLGARI

The Gold-digger doesn’t look as beautiful as she once did. Don't get me wrong, she’s still an attractive woman. But you can’t still time regardless of how much money you have. She’s thirty-six. I’ve seen photos of her when she was in her teens and twenties. She was unbelievably good-looking. Her features were delicate, almost sculpted. She had a rosy cupid’s bow mouth which was made to be kissed. Her hair was dark and shiny while her skin glowed with youthful exuberance. And let’s not forget, those eyes of hers. Honey-brown in colour. Enormous and inviting. Seriously, no wonder, standing by her side, Dad looked the happiest man in the world in photographs. 

They never married. He wanted to marry her after my birth but she wouldn’t allow it. I guess she thought having a baby at eighteen was life-changing as it was. 

I think it broke his heart when she married Magnus Bertelsen.

He’s from old money — diamond heir turned entrepreneur. You could even say that Magnus has an eye for investing in start-up businesses which turn into goldmines.     

For fifty, Magnus doesn’t look too bad these days. He’s aged like fine wine. His sandy hair is now silver-grey. Surprisingly, it suits him. 

“Nice haircut, Amelie. Suits you,” Magnus smiles.

The Gold-digger gives him a sharp glare, which he fails to see. She looks back at me. Her eyes widen as she finally notices my new haircut. She’s pretty self-absorbed. Maybe that’s why she and Dad had some sort of brief affinity with each other — they recognised that they shared a common characteristic.

I unwrap a piece of gum. The foil crinkles as I scrunch it into a small ball. “Thanks, Magnus.”

“How’s school?”


“Like to expand on that?”

I pause for a moment. He seems genuinely interested. Okay, why not? “Well, it’s pretty hectic with exams coming up but I’m holding up. I’m currently working on a project—”

“Mags…” The Gold-digger whines. 

Magnus wraps his arm around her shoulders. “Hmm, my darling?” 

Giggling, she whispers something in his ear. A thoughtful smile tugs up the corner of his mouth. Eventually, he begins to laugh, completely enamoured with The Gold-digger. I guess she brings out his light-hearted side.

I chew the gum and make a bubble or two. “At least you asked…” 

“Did you see the match, Amelie?” He turns back to me. 

I try to think back to the match he’s referring to. Magnus owns a football club. A few days ago they reached a Champion’s League quarter-final. Dad was… p!ssed off that night. He was more p!ssed off when Magnus sent tickets. “No — I heard about it. Well done. Must have been quite a night for you. Excellent buy in your playmaker.”

“Shame you couldn’t make it,” Magnus says. “It would have been fun to watch it with you.”

Who gets to watch a match in the director’s box? He would have paid for all expenses too — travel, food, hotel room etc. Yet, Dad was adamant that I remain at home. 

“Do you still play football?” The Gold-digger says the word “football” distastefully like she’s swallowing medicine.

“Uh… yeah. I do.”

She sniffs. “Your father said you grew out of that silliness.”

I sigh. “I won’t be playing anymore in about two months. So…”

It wasn't my choice — Dad forced me to give it up. He decided he wasn’t going to pay for the lessons anymore. I managed to persuade him to let me play in the big game. Even that was hard to do. Having any kind of reasonable discussion with him is like drawing blood out of a stone. 

I haven’t told Gina and Marie yet. They’re excited about the up-coming match; I wouldn’t want to sadden the day for them. 

“Good!” she gives me a patronising smile. “It’s a boys sport. It has negative associations with hooliganism…”

So are you saying Magnus is a hooligan too for owning a club? It doesn’t make sense…

I make a popping sound with my lips. She and Dad are like two broken records. “Yep — so I’ve heard.”

The Gold-digger seems to remember something. Her honey-brown eyes light up in irrepressible excitement. Dad walks into the room. He’s drinking from a bottle of water. He tries to pretend that he’s searching for a book on the shelf, but he’s eyes are glued on the computer screen.

“Do I tell her? Or do you…” Gretchen turns to Magnus. Her finely-shaped eyebrows raise quizzically.

Magnus’s hand entwines with hers. I notice that he directs their palms onto her stomach. “You tell her the first part.”

“I’m pregnant! We found out this week,” Mom’s eyes sparkle. There’s a Madonna-like expression on her face. 

I hear Dad start to cough violently behind my shoulder.

“She’s having twins,” Magnus beams. There’s a ripple of ecstasy under his calm facade. “A girl and a boy.”

“You’re going to be a big sister!” she nods.

“Congrats.” I’m speechless. Guess this is the final nail on the abandonment coffin. 

The Gold-digger doesn’t even allow me to visit. She thinks I make her look old. I don’t even know why we have these Skype chats in the first place. Probably Magnus’s influence. 

She’ll probably try to make them the new Harper Beckham or North West.

I can just imagine the twins — it’ll be like Victoria Beckham trotting out her kids to sit at front-row fashion shows. Once show time’s over, they’re shoved back to the nanny. C’mon, Magnus you really think she’s going to become an earth mother? She’ll have nannies on speed dial. The twins will be trotted out to sit at front-row fashion shows. To her, they’ll be accessories like the latest designer bags. Unless, Magnus is going to become like David Beckham, holding the twins while she strides in front of them.

They’ve already forgotten about me. Gretchen and Magnus begin to smooch on the coach. Well, Magnus always wanted children — looks like he’ll get his wish soon for a bargain price. 

Dad’s gazing at them forlornly.

I switch off the monitor screen. “There’s nothing to see, Dad. Show’s over.”

I need a stiff drink.

A/N: Please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE! Thanks! So do you like Gretchen and Magnus? Are they the perfect married couple? 

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