Chapter 5: At the Sign of the Prancing Pony.

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It was now starting to rain by the time the Hobbits and Sansa made it to Bree. 

"Please tell me this is Bree." Sansa begged.

"This is Bree." Frodo informed. "Gandalf will meet us at the Inn. Come on." 

The group had made it to the gates of the town. Frodo had knocked on the door.

A person was outside and had to open a smaller door to view the Hobbits. "What do you want?" The person asked.

"We're heading for the Prancing Pony." Frodo answered.

Suddenly the door had opened. While Sam was looking back for signs of any Black Riders. "Hobbits. Four Hobbits. And one tall girl with you. What brings you to Bree?" The person asked.

"We wish to stay at the Inn." Frodo answered. 

"Our business is our own." Sansa added.

"Alright, young sir and lass. I meant no offense. It's my job to ask questions after nightfall. There's some strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful." The Person replied.

The group had entered Bree. And sure enough. They were not in the Shire anymore. It was a bigger town with cramped housing and strange folk. It was pretty much a place that Sansa was sure her mother would never let her go to. A wagon moved past them and Sansa and Frodo could see a person with a full beard eating a carrot and starring at them. 

"Just keep walking." Sansa told herself and the Hobbits. They walked past another group of people before Frodo saw the Sign of the Prancing Pony.

The Group had opened the doors to reveal a whole Tavern that seemed to be enjoying its Happy Hour. "This is The Prancing Pony?" Sansa asked.

Pippin and Merry seemed to be exchanging a small smile. 

"This is the place." Frodo answered. He went up to the Inn Keeper. "Excuse me."

The Inn Keeper looked at them. "What can I do for you, young masters. If you're looking for some accommodations. We've got some nice cozy Hobbit sized rooms. Well... might be a problem for you, Lass. But I'm sure that we could find something... Mr.-?"

"Underhill." Frodo lied. "My name's Underhill."

The Inn Keeper seemed to buy that.

"We're friends of Gandalf the Grey. Can you tell him we've arrived?" Sansa requested.

"Gandalf?" The Inn Keeper asked. "Gandalf." He seemed to try and remember. "Oh, Yes I remember. Elderly chap, long grey beard, pointy hat. Not seen him for 6 months." He informed.

"6 months?" Sansa asked.

"What do we do now?" Sam asked.

"Let's just wait for Gandalf to come." Frodo answered.

Frodo was able to get a table for himself and his friends. Amidst all the laughing and drinking of ale. Sansa was trying to drink her ale and not attract attention. "If Mother knew what I was doing. I would be in so much trouble." She thought. 

Sam looked a little uneasy. "Sam. He'll be here." Frodo insisted as Merry came back with an even bigger mug than the Hobbits had.

"What is that?" Pippin asked looking at the mug like it was a lottery ticket.

"This my friends, is a Pint." Merry answered.

"It comes in Pints? I'm getting one." Pippin announced.

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