Chapter 11: Balin's Tomb.

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Gandalf had taken the lead with the light of his staff. And everyone had their weapon on their hands. "Quietly now. It's a four day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence goes unnoticed." Gandalf informed.

Sansa breathed heavily as she held Jon's hand. This had to be the scariest part of the journey for her. Sansa really never had good feelings for the Dark. And that's where they were right now. But whenever she got scared of the dark, her mother and father were always there to comfort her. If it wasn't for Jon, Arya, and her siblings. She wouldn't know what she would do.

"We'll be okay, Sansa." Jon assured. "Just gotta keep moving is all."

"Yeah. Except this is a whole entire mines were going through. It's not like those mini caves back home." Arya pointed out.

"How many caves have you gone into, Arya?" Sansa asked.

"A few." Arya answered.

"Try 15." Jon corrected.

"You went with me to a few of them, Jon." Arya reminded.

"And it was a decision I rapidly regretted when your mother found out." Jon replied.

"Don't feel bad, Jon. Mother hated you, anyway." Sansa commented.

Jon nodded his head. "Well it wasn't exactly Jon's fault." Arya said. 

"I'm not saying it is." Sansa replied. "Look it's done. And the sooner we get out of these mines. The better."

They entered a whole passage of caves and bridges filled with darkness and old ladders and mining tools. To the rear, Boromir had managed to light up a torch, because the Hound would not touch it.

"What's up with you?" Boromir asked.

"Keep that fire away from me." The Hound hissed.

"Don't worry, Sir Boromir. The Hound doesn't like fire." Arya assured.

"Why doesn't he like fire?" Pippin asked.

"That's none of your concern." The Hound growled.

"What kind of mine was this? It doesn't sound look like gold." Jon asked.

Gandalf was looking at some caves etched in something shiny. "The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels. But Mithril." He explained letting the light shine through to reveal the mines. 

"Mithril?" Arya asked. 

"Light as a feather, but as hard as a dragons scales." Gandalf answered. "Bilbo had a set of Mithril Rings that Thorin gave him."

"Oh, that is a Kingly gift." Gimli realized.

"Yes. I never told you. But it's worth was greater than the known in The Shire." Gandalf replied.

"Just think on what would've been if the Starks had that metal." Jon thought out loud.

"We probably would've won the war." Arya said.

"Probably." Jon admitted. He then looked at Arya who looked down. "I know. I miss them too."

Arya nodded at Jon.

The Fellowship must've been traveling for days into the Mines of Moria as they came over some very steep stairs and through what looked like doors with multiple roots. "I have no memory of this place." Gandalf said.

That was when they made whatever camp they could. Sansa was trying to rock herself to find some comfort. "We'll be out of these mines soon right?" She asked. She was really starting to miss the sun. Or feel the wind on her face again. 

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