Chapter 17: The Breaking of the Fellowship.

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Everyone else gathered around the dying Boromir. "They took them." Boromir repeated.

Aragorn hushed his friend. "Be still."

"Frodo? Where is Frodo?" Boromir asked.

"I let Frodo go." Aragorn answered.

"Then you did what I could not." Boromir replied. "I tried to take the ring from him. And I hit Sansa." 

"You did what?" Jon asked.

"Not now, Jon." Sansa grunted.

"The Ring is beyond our reach now." Aragorn explained.

"Forgive me." Boromir pleaded. "I did not see. I have failed you all."  

"No, Boromir." Aragorn assured. "You fought bravely. You have kept your honor."

"And I failed to protect your sister." Boromir turned to Jon.

Jon shook his head. "No. It's my fault. I never should've let Arya out of my sight." 

"Jon..." Sansa started to say.

"I failed Father. I let this happen." Jon sighed.

"Jon... we have to get Arya back." Sansa said.

Jon nodded. 

Aragorn tried to take the arrows out of Boromir, but Boromir stopped him. "Leave it. It is over. The World of Men will fall. And all will come to darkness. For my Citadel in Ruin." Boromir said.

But even with Aragorn seeing Boromir on his deathbed. He wouldn't allow that kind of down talk. Not like the way Elrond always looked on the downside. "I do not know what strength is left." He admitted. "But I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall. Nor our people." 

"Our people." Boromir took notice of what Aragorn had said. "Our people." Aragorn helped place Boromir's sword in his hand. His face before seemed to be on of Heartbreak. But when Aragorn had said "our people" His voice had turned to hopefulness and pride.

Legolas and Gimli ran up to see what was going on. "I would've followed you, my brother. My Captain. My King." Finally Boromir's eyes fell still. He was gone. 

"Boromir?" Sansa asked. And suddenly she could see her Father's face in Boromir's. She held Jon's hand tightly. 

Aragorn leaned over Boromir saying some final words. "Be still. Son of Gondor. And we look for his coming from the White Tower. But you will not return" 

Everything had gone south for the Fellowship. Gandalf was dead. Boromir was dead. And for Sansa it hit her the most. Merry and Pippin, two of her first friends since she arrived in Middle Earth were captured and on their way to Isengard. And worse, her little sister was also captured. She saw Arya's sword on the ground. 

Jon looked over. "Needle." He sadly said.

The Hound had been looking at the whole scene. He sighed. "We need to keep moving. There might be more Uruks." He suggested.

"Not until we at least give Boromir the respect he deserves." Jon replied. "Now come on. Help me with the body." 

"Fine." The Hound grumbled.

Meanwhile. Frodo had looked at the boats. And looking at the river. And after all that had happened. He held the ring in his hand. But another emotion had come, fear and sadness. Tears began to form in Frodo's eyes. From now on. He would be alone. He remembered his last conversation with Gandalf. "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."

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