Chapter 4

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***A/N Explicit 18+ if you don't like it, please skip.

Jungkook opened his eyes, seeing the soft fading light from the sunset coming in through the blinds. He looks down at YN and smiles. She's still asleep, slowly he rolls away and goes to retrieve his phone. Turning on the screen 10 missed calls and 15 texts glare back at him. Knowing he's in deep shit he walks out of the bedroom and calls Namjoon.

"Hey man, I didn't mean to miss your calls. I fell asleep." He said once Namjoon picked up the phone.

"JK like what the fuck man. I've been worried sick, none of the other members knew where you went. The staff didn't know where you went either. You just disappeared. First, you say you went and grabbed lunch but then you're gone for hours and not answering your phone? What the hell! We thought something bad happened!" Namjoon was furious "You even missed the first part of rehearsals. We have a show in two days JK. You need to be here."

"Look Namjoon, I know. I'm sorry, I messed up. I should have said something about leaving. Just one thing led to another and I forgot."

"Oh my God, are you with a girl right now JK? Are you kidding me!?"

"Joon relax, I met her this morning on my run. She has no idea who I am. I've been able to just be myself for once without having people hound me. It's why I didn't tell anyone where I was. I didn't want to be followed."

"Please tell me that you were at least safe about it JK. We seriously don't need any hiccups in the schedule right now. And please tell me this is a one-time thing, you know about the dating thing. We aren't supposed to, and if we do we have to hide it. It's hard enough on our partners when they live in Korea, let alone imagine if you had a foreign fling."

"Take it easy Joon, I don't know yet. This girl makes me feel things that I never have before. She's sweet and kind, I can tell she's had a rough go of it recently too. I took her to lunch and when I was on the phone with you her ex showed up. It wasn't pretty man, he hurt her, you could see the bruise he left on her wrist from grabbing her so hard."

"JK listen to me, you don't need that type of drama in your life right now. I know you want to help and save everyone, but now is not the time to do it. We are trying to make a name for ourselves here in America. We don't need a scandal with some poor girl and an abusive ex with a bone to pick. Just tell her you need to go to meet up with your friends and get your ass back here ASAP."

"I'm not just going to leave her Joon as soon as my needs were met, come on, what kind of man do you think I am? Rehearsals are done for the day so you guys don't even need me back until tomorrow morning. Give me tonight, let me enjoy my time being normal with someone who makes me feel wanted."

"Fine, you have tonight. I'll cover for you with the staff but I'm telling the boys where you are and what you're doing. They deserve that after being worried sick all damn day."

"That's fair man, I get it. I'm sorry, I should have trusted you and mentioned something."

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning. Make sure you're here for breakfast JK or I swear to God I'm going to kill you."

"I got it loud and clear Joon. I'll see you in the morning. Bye" with that JK hangs up the phone and looks through his messages.

Taehyung (V): Hey princess, I hope you are safe. You're pissing Joon off so be prepared to get your ass handed to you.

Jimin: You're a dumbass. Hope you're having fun asshole.

Suga: Don't be stupid.

J-Hope: Man, I hope you're ok. Please check-in.

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