Chapter 21

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Morning came and with it the chaos of preparing to travel followed. YN was always scatterbrained when it came to traveling on a regular day, but with the added stress it was doubled. As she was leaving the hotel, her mom decided to do one more sweep through the hotel room to make sure her daughter had packed everything. And of course, there were still a few things left around, a pair of shoes still under the bed, her toothbrush in the bathroom, and her phone charger was still plugged in. As she was picking up the remaining items JK walked back into the hotel room.

"Oh, hey, what are you doing Lillie?" He asked.

"JK honey, you've been with YN for weeks. Have you still not noticed that that girl leaves a little bit of herself literally wherever she goes?"

JK shook his head, he hadn't taken notice of it. Usually, someone goes through the rooms after they left to make sure they had everything. Then he realized that's exactly what Lillie was doing.

"What did she forget?" He asked out of curiosity

Lillie held up the shoes, toothbrush, and phone charger for him to see. He couldn't help the laughter that escaped "I came up because I almost forgot something too." As he walked over to the nightstand and pulled out the gift that he had gotten for YN.

"What is that," Lillie asked.

"It's just a little something for YN that I had gotten for her last week. I had a special night planned on Saturday for after the show, but then everything happened." He was a little sad about not being able to have the romantic evening he had envisioned but would just find another time to do it. Plus, with her condition, a couple of things would have to be changed anyway.

"Can I see?" she asked as she walked over to where JK was standing.

He simply held out the long thin box for Lillie to open. Inside was a thin silver bracelet, on the top was a cluster of diamonds and on the underside there engraved in the precious metal said "My Heart". She turned to look up at JK with a tear in her eye. "It's beautiful, you did good JK." As she reached up and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks, I really did try. I know she doesn't wear a lot of jewelry but this is small enough she could wear it all the time." He inspected the bracelet once more "I feel like it's not enough now, I mean it's small compared to the gift she gave me."

"Don't start feeling self-conscious now boy, that gift is for both of you. She will love that bracelet. You have to remember, she's not one for flash or expensive things."

"I know, YN is so stubborn. I keep giving her my card to pay for things when she's with me but she just takes it, smiles at me, puts it in her wallet, then ignores it and uses her own money for things. It baffles me."

Lillie had to laugh at the confused look on his face "YN makes her own money JK, she doesn't like feeling as though she's a burden to others. I bet now that she knows she's pregnant, things will be a bit different. You both have a little life to support now."

Just as JK was getting ready to respond they were interrupted by Kai walking into the room.

"Sorry for intruding, I was just going to look through the room one more time. YN is almost done with breakfast and the bags are packed in the vehicles ready to go."

"No need Kai, I found everything that she left behind this time," Lillie told him holding up the items.

"Oh good, then we should probably be on our way." He said as he turned to the door and held it open.

They went and rejoined the others to leave for the airport.

The flight passed without any incident and they finally made it to the house Namjoon had rented for them. YN walked in and looked around at the spacious home. She was excited that she got to stay in such a beautiful place with Jungkook and the rest of the group. Looking over at her mom she did a little happy dance.

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