Chapter 28

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JK knew he should be calling the cops but the first call he could make was to Yoongi. Dialing the number as he ran out of the store like the devil was on his tail, he opened the car door and got inside. The phone just kept ringing, he didn't have the patience for this, YN was in danger. Hanging up the phone he dialed Jimin, luckily this time the phone was answered after the first ring.


"Jimin, he has her! He fucking has her, oh God. He took her." He yelled into the phone before Jimin could even finish his greeting.

"Kook man hey calm down, I couldn't understand...."

"Mark has her you, idiot! We were at the store, she went to go get fucking mochi and he got her." JK said banging his hands on the steering wheel. Tears were starting to well up in his eyes but he refuses to cry until he has the love of his life back in his arms.

"Where are you?" Jimin asked "I'm getting the guys,"

"No stay there, I need to get back I need to call the cops. Jimin she fucking looked right at me as he was walking her out the door. She just shook her head at me and told me to get help. He had to have something to make her do that. She was scared." He said shaking with anxiety and anger.

"Kookie, it's ok, we are going to get her back. She's going to be fine. Namjoon is calling the cops now, just get here. It's ok, I promise we will be fine."

"Jimin, what if he hurts her? That's my girlfriend and my child! What happens if she has an episode with her heart? This can go so bad, she's going to be too stressed, what happens if she loses the baby?" He rapidly fires off all the what-if questions. He could feel the anxiety start to ramp up even more as the house comes into view and he sees the cop cars in the drive.

Exiting the vehicle he runs inside the house, Yoongi walked up to him and puts his arms around him. "I'm sorry I didn't hear my phone. I swear I had only walked away from it for a minute." He apologized.

JK shook his head "It's ok, I know it wasn't on purpose."

Looking around the room he saw the various expressions on the looks of his hyungs and he wanted to curl up and cry. Everyone looked scared except for Yoongi who looked pissed. Jin looked terrified as he made his way over to JK and threw his arms around him. He could feel the other man's tears fall on his neck as he held on to him for dear life. Jin was practically the parent of the group, knowing someone was hurt always hit him the hardest. JK patted the older man on the back trying to console him as he kept his own emotions under control.

The cops were asking Namjoon questions and JK could only partially listen. It sounded like they were discussing the previous events leading up to this. Namjoon also pulled out the photos that had been taken previously. Yoongi was next to Namjoon with a hand on his shoulder and Hobi next to him. They discussed what happened that day in the park with YN and Lola. Finally, the cops made their way over to where JK sat. They started their questions and JK could feel his breathing becoming erratic, Jimin and Taehyung must have sensed his distress. As he continued to answer the officer's questions, Jimin sat down on one side and Tae took upon the other with their arms around his shoulders. When the questions were done JK could only put his head in his hands.

"We are going to keep an eye out and see what we can do. One of you should stay here in case he calls asking or a ransom. Do any of you know where he could take her?" The officer asked.

"No, I don't know." Feeling defeated JK turned away, clenching his fists at the powerlessness he felt.

"Ok, we will be going now, we need to get a team on this asap. We will contact you as soon as we know anything. There will be a patrol car and officer here for the time being." Said the officer as he turned to leave.

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