11| Fiancé

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Chapter 11: Fiancé (Ava's POV)

When we got to the store our mothers were at, they told us they'll be taking a long time, so they said Rhys should drop me home. We looked at each other hesitantly while walking out of the store. "You don't have to drive me home, I have plans," I lied. I have no plans, but being around him alone for even just a second longer feels impossible. 

I know he saw the picture in the book. God, why didn't I just burn it ages ago? I should have, we weren't allowed to be together anyway, for several reasons. Well, first off, he was older than me, but that's not the reason. Age isn't such a big deal here, but we weren't going against Kilthorne law, to begin with. It's not illegal as long as there's no sexual activity and we didn't do anything until I was eighteen. We were even scared to kiss at first, Jesus. 

On top of that, he would be crowned at twenty-one. Which meant more responsibilities and already, talk of marriage. He didn't tell me anything at all, actually, but that's what I figured out on my own just by watching him and his family. 

"What plans?" 

"You don't need to know." 

"But I should, as your fiancé." Oh, okay, we're pulling out that card. 

"In that case, there's a lot I should know about you as your fiancé, don't you think?" I lifted a brow. 

He stared at me, his jaw ticking with each second that passed. "Get in the car and I'll drop you off." 

"I can go on my own," I argued. 

He stepped forward and I retreated, stepping off the sidewalk, my back hitting the car. "I said get in the car," he said, his voice low and threatening, how it always is with me. 

I thought of the first place that came to mind where I could show up unannounced without getting in trouble. I know Victoria has plans today, she's helping her mom out at the gallery. "The dance studio," I blurted out. "That's where I'm going." 

He nodded softly. "Fine. Get in the car, let's go." 

"Why do you have to—" 

He grabbed my waist, jerking me forward. My words got caught in my throat while I blinked numerous times, staring at him, frozen. He unlocked the car and opened the door before letting me go. "Get in." 

I huffed, shooting him a look of disbelief before sitting in the car. He slammed the door shut and then got into the driver's seat, heading straight for the studio. I turned to look at him while he stared ahead at the road. I don't understand him anymore. I'm so lost on what even happened between us that led to us falling apart, he won't tell me either, but since then he hasn't stopped behaving like this overbearing, possessive... I can't say boyfriend but yeah, boyfriend. 

He acts like this jealous, possessive boyfriend who can't stand it if his girlfriend does something without telling him. And that doesn't surprise me because he would get jealous very easily but was never so controlling. 

I sighed, looking away from him and out the window. I guess I'm teaching a dance class in a dress today. The car slowed down to a stop and I climbed out, walking into the studio. 

The kids were already there, running around and whining while Ms. Clarice tried getting them to stop. "Ms. Ava!" Everybody yelled in sync, running over. 

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