31| Live

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Chapter 31: Live (Ava's POV)

We both lay in bed, it was a little past midnight and we were both pretty much naked under the sheets. All we did was stare at each other silently. I blinked slowly, feeling sleep take over me little by little. He reached up one hand and tucked my hair behind my ear before running his fingers through it. I shifted closer to him, resting my head on his arm. He stopped after a while and grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it and then kissing up my arm slowly. The last thing he kissed was my shoulder, which brought him incredibly closer. I bit back a smile, pursing my lips to keep it hidden but failing miserably. 

He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Go to sleep, my love," he whispered. 

"You go to sleep too," I mumbled, my eyes drooping shut. He pulled me in closer and I leaned down, kissing his neck once and then just staying there, close to him. My eyes fell shut and after a while, we were both asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning, he was still there, much to my surprise. I know he has work later today, but we have time. A little more time. He stirred awake a few minutes later, squinting at me. "Morning," he mumbled, his voice coming out hoarse and husky. 

"Morning," I smiled, brushing his hair back. 

He propped himself onto his elbows while he lay on his stomach and dragged his hand down his face before ruffling his hair out. "What time is it?" 

"Almost eleven." 

He groaned, "I have teacher interviews to conduct at twelve-thirty." 

"I know. I was about to wake you up." 

He huffed and then leaned over to kiss me before sitting up and climbing out. He had his briefs on but I only had underwear on. He walked over to the closet and grabbed a robe for me, holding it out for me. 

I sat up, holding the sheets to my chest while feeling heat crawl up my cheeks and sticking my hand out, taking the robe from him. "Thank you," I chirped. 

"I'm about to go shower," he said while I pulled the robe on, tying it around my waist before letting the covers drop. "Would you like to join?" he sang, leaning down to meet my level. 

"Would I?" I watched him in amusement. 

"Yes. Yes, you would." He bent down, scooping me up and spinning in a circle once. I laughed, rocking my legs back and forth while resting my arms around his neck. He set me on the bathroom counter first and then went out to lay out his clothes on the bed. Then he came back, standing between my legs. We brushed our teeth and then climbed into the shower. 

After that, I lingered around in a robe, watching him as he buttoned up his shirt before brushing his hair back with his fingers. He came and sat beside me on the foot of the bed and pulled his socks and shoes on. After having a quick brunch, he kissed me goodbye and then left. 

I wanted nothing more than to continue lying in bed with him for the entire day but he has work to do and Mrs. Gemma and I have dresses to choose from. I finished brushing my hair, leaving it down and then went to choose an outfit since I was still wearing a robe, just a new one now. I grabbed a peach-pink dress that flowed down to the floor. It cinched in at my waist like a corset and had slightly puffed-up sleeves. 

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